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Jungkook stepped into the tatami ring, and coach Yong was tying his shield around him.

For the competitions we use electric ones. You get points bad on how hard you hit. Every category has different power requirements to score a point. There is always a test before the fight. Both opponents stand in front of each other and lift their arms. Then they hit each other to see if the shields are working properly and recording scores. The same thing goes for the helmets. Our protectors are also electric. If they don't work, you won't score points.

Jungkook was all ready, putting his teeth protector in and getting to his spot, standing up straight.

'Go, Kookie! Fighting!' I cheer him on, and Jimin laughs

Jungkook heard me and nodded at me.

"Chah-ryut!" The judge gets them to greet each other, standing still

'Kyung Nae.' The bow to each other

'Joon-bee!' The get into the fighting stance

The round starts off with a beep on the monitor, letting the guys know they can start.

Jungkook went straight for the kill, doing a crazy 360 spin kick, full force, into the guy's face. He went out cold.

The fight was over in 3 seconds.
This is what Jungkook does. He is too explosive. No one expects him to be that fast, so you get hit before you even blink.

'Whoooo!' Jimin and I both start screaming, cheering him on.
Most of the people in the crowd were absolutely shocked by it. They never expect it.

'What the hell was that?!' Jimin yells at me

I start laughing.'I told you you'll be surprised.'

'How did I never see him fight?' He is even more confused, but he is laughing. 'I gotta be more careful around him, it seems.'

'I would be more worried if I was him.' I see a bit quiet

'You think too highly of me.' He smiles

'Nope. You're just humble.' I smile back

'You guys came!' Jungkook throws himself at us, squishing us, coming back from his fight

'That was great, Kookie!' I smile widely, hugging him back

'That took me by surprise. Great job, man.' Jimin bro hugs him

'I'm fight 35 next. I got some time to kill. Are you guys staying or..?' He asks

'Wouldn't miss this.' I tell him

'Oh, yes. We can bet on how quickly you can finish them off.' Jimin jokes

'I'll take you up on that. What does the winner get?' I ask

'Ooof... The loser is not allowed to fight Jungkoog back in the next sparring match.' Jimin grins

'That's a tough one, but I'm down.' We shake hands

'This sounds like a win for me, to be honest.' Jungkook laughs

The time passed by quite fast to his next fight. He had 3 more to go if he wanted to win gold.

He won the second fight 25-11, with an automatic win after a 12 point difference.

Third round, he won in a golden point.
Golden point is when both opponents finish with the same score. They get an extra round, and whoever scores the point first, wins.

'Finals! This better be good. What are you betting on?' I ask Jimin

'I'll give him 1 round.' He says

'I'll give him 2.'

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