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Yep. He's going to lose his voice by tomorrow.

I sent him a heart as the coach was putting on my shield, getting an even bigger one back, plus from the rest of the team. Gosh, he's so cute.

'Feeling confident?' Coach asks

'Always, coach. Don't worry. I'm bringing that gold home. Just like last time.' I grin

'I wish I could clone you and that blondie of yours. It would be a perfect team. Minus all the PDA.' He jokes

'Sorry, Coach. I'm afraid you're stuck with that while we're on the team.' I chuckle

'I got used to it.' He smiles. 'Now go, and do what you do best.'

He raised both his hands, giving me a high-10 and sending me off to my fight.

Tests are done and we are just waiting for the sound.

Shit. She's fast. She almost got me right in the face. I moved just in the nick of time. Right, then. No slacking off. I can match her with the speed, no problem.

I attacked with a lighting-fast hit into her shield, scoring a point over her arms. She didn't budge much, but she did grunt at the impact. I need to put more power behind my hits.

She attacked me right back, ending in a clinch. She tried to push herself off, but instead, I did my bubblegum kick, clipping her on the helmet.

'What the fuck?!' She screamed at me in English

The fight got stopped and she got a negative point for cursing in a fight. Never had that happen to me before. Not in an official match. Wow. But, oh well. There's a first for everything.

The fight restarted, and we got into a bit of a brawl, doing a bit of an exchange kick. She was really focused on my shield, so I used it to do a block sweep and got her dead on, screaming as I did it.

My screaming matched that of the team on the side. Particularly Jimin.

Okay. 9-4 for me in the first round.

'Okay, she's fast. Try and get her to-'

'Run to me like an idiot, pretending to be stationary, but actually making her miss and leave an open space for a hit. Got it, coach.'

'What is the point of me being here if you're just going to coach yourself?' I didn't realize that I cut him off when he was trying to give me a direction. I thought he was offended, but he was just smiling at me.

'Sorry, coach. It was right there in my head.' I apologize

'No, no. Please keep thinking that way. That's a great way to think. Keep it up.'

Round 2

Just as planned, she missed the hit because I jumped to the side, hitting her on the top of her head, pushing back her helmet.


She got a bit frustrated and ran in like a maniac, getting a back kick into her shield. I pushed her back, but I didn't hit her hard enough to floor her. This one can take her hits.

I glanced at the monitor and the score was 14-4. I need only 2 more points. Let's go for it.

I attacked first, but she managed to block it and score shield point on her own. But then she made a mistake of running in again.

That was a. Perfect. Fucking. Hit.
The way my foot met her face felt frigging perfect. Like two puzzle pieces coming together.

She fell on the floor, holding her bloody nose.

I won with a score of 17-5 a few seconds before round 2 ended.

Jimin was screaming so loud the entire arena heard him. Even a few judges were looking at him like he was insane. The rest of the team was hugging each other, jumping and celebrating.

'I have no words. Genuinely. I don't even know whether to be surprised or not anymore with you.' Coach hugged me, patting me on the back. 'Great job, Rin. Outstanding.'

We both looked over because Jimin was screaming my name at the top of his lungs.

'Can you please run to that maniac before he fights his way to you? I don't feel like paying a fine.'

'Consider it done coach.' I snort

I pretty much sprinted back, jumping on him as soon as I saw him. I didn't feel like crying until he hugged me, then I kind of broke down.

'I am so proud of you. So damn proud.' He was smiling from ear to ear, his beautiful eyes glistening with tears. 'You are incredible, baby. You truly are unreal.'

He was holding me up with one arm, while holding my face with his other hand, now kissing me deeply. I could taste my own tears, but I couldn't care less.

He stopped kissing me, pushing away my hair from my face.

'MY GIRL IS A WORLD CHAMPION!!!' aaaaand now I'm deaf.

But it riled the rest of them up, getting them to sing and dance around us. They swarmed me as soon as I was down on my feet.

'Jimin, do not kill me.' Chen says to Jimin, then grabs my face, leaving a kiss on my forehead. 'You magnificent psycho!'

I didn't know how to react, so I started laughing. Even Jimin found it to be a huge shock. Never thought I'd get a kiss from Chen

'I'm doing that, too!' JinWoo ran over, kissing me the same way. Then IyeShi came. And now they've all lined up. Every single one of them kissed me. Bless him, but Royun actually apologized and turned bright red as he did it.

'What the hell was that?' I didn't even have the chance to stop them, so I just let them. 'How come you didn't do this to Jimin?'

'You know what, you are right. Come here, sugar.' Chen hugged him over his arms so he couldn't defend himself, going straight for his forehead

'Nooo! This is your fault!' Jimin yells at me, but he's dying laughing

'I can finally kiss Jimin! Fuck the medal. Hold him, Chen!' JinWoo must have given him the longest forehead kiss in the history, grinning, all happy with herself. IyeShi and Iye didn't spare him either.

'This is for calling me kiddo.' Iye grinned, happy with her little revenge

'What the hell am I watching?' Poor Coach is in state of bewilderment

'Help me, coach. Please.' Jimin begs

'A world champion, taken down by a few kisses. Glorious.' He started laughing heartily, finding it so hilarious. 'You two have done an outstanding job today. As always. But the show goes on. The rest of you, get ready.'

We only had 4 people left to fight. IyeShi, Chen, JinWoo, and La In.

La In and JinWoo got silver. IyeShi got silver as well, and Chen ended up winning gold as well. He kind of bulldozed his opponent down.

IyeShi was a bit down because he didn't win, but then he realized he's 2nd in the world and felt a lot better. La In couldn't stop crying, bless him. It was his first World's, and he got a medal. He'll be crying for days it seems.

Chen called Suri right away as he got out of his fight, and she was screaming so loud he had to hang up. She was genuinely screeching. He did call back a few minutes later, but it seems he's safe from dying.

And Jimin.... I don't think I've had so many pictures of me taken through my entire life. He took about 500 of them. His phone storage must be full to the brim. But whatever makes him happy.

He did call his mom as well, but it was only because he wanted to check up on her. His father did die even though it might have slipped everyone's minds with everything going on.
She said she couldn't care less, then proceeded to cry from happiness, telling both of us how much she loves us. I love his mom. She is such a nice lady.

At least we won't have a 20-hour flight this time. It's only about 6 hours. It's still long, but not unbearable.

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