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'This is going to be fun.' Jimin is a bit way too excited to fight some other club.

'Do you actually plan on KOing someone?' I ask him, laughing

'Nah. But I do plan on not letting them breathe.' He grins at me, squeezing my hand a bit harder

We were just walking towards the gym, hand in hand, as we always do. Even in front, we could hear a lot more noises coming from the inside.

He never let go of my hand as we walked in, and everyone turned to look at us.

'Hiya.' I smile, bowing

'Hello, everyone. Pleasure to have you here.' Jimin smiles at them, bowing as well

'Shit, is that Park?' Someone whispers in the back, making me snicker.

'Mister popular.' I tease him, and he nudges me a bit to move on

'Thank you for having us.' Their group smiles, bowing at us

We went to the changing rooms to change and come back. Jimin was already back by the time I came out. He always is.
I walked out with my belt still over my shoulder, going over to Jungkook and Jimin who were talking to some of their fighters already.

'Hiya.' I greet them as I walk over

'Hi. Nice to meet you. I'm Ina.' One of the girls smiles at me

'I'm Ijogu.' A guy introduced himself

'I'm Mon.' The last guy bows a little

'Nice to meet you, everyone.' I smile. 'I'm Rin.' I bow back

'Yeah, we know.' They chuckle

'Yep. We saw your fight 2 weeks ago.' Ina smiles

'Oh.' I smile a bit, not sure what to say

'You didn't even put your belt on. Slacking off.' Jungkook teases

'I needed to put my hair up first. I'll do that now.' I chuckle

'Nah. I'll do it.' Jimin grins, taking my belt and doing it for me. I felt the rest of them looking at us weirdly, then looking at each other. But I don't really care.

'There. All done.' He beams at me

'Thanks. That's perfect.' I smile at him and he pats my head

'LINE UP EVERYONE!' Both coaches call us, and everyone runs over, lining up

'Welcome, Spiders. Thank you for joining us today. It's a pleasure having you here. I'm coach Yong for those who don't know me. I saw you already got friendly with my fighters, so I'll save the introductions for you.' Coach Yong speaks, then gestures to the other coach to say a few words.

'Hello. I'm Coach Minji. Thank you for having us here. I hope everyone gets along and we have good practice.' Their coach seems friendly, smiling at us.

'We will be sparring today. I don't want anyone getting hurt so be careful. Now please, everyone warm up and stretch.' Coach Yong tells us

'Yes, coach!' It was kinda satisfying hearing about 20 people yell at the same time.

We warmed up and headed to get stretched.
'Ready?' Jimin asks me

'Absolutely.' I smile, taking his hand.

We were the first ones to start stretching against the wall. We didn't think much of it, as we always do it.

Jimin went first, giving me his leg to push it up. I don't get how his legs are so muscly and hard, yet so light. I have no issues stretching him, whereas Jungkook pulls me down with his legs every time.
We did front, side and back stretches. We always do.
We heard a few gasps from some of the people as I was stretching his leg from the back.  I'm guessing it's theirs as all of ours are used to us by now.

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