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'Where are you taking me?' I am genuinely curious. We've been driving for a while, and he won't tell me a thing.

'You are so impatient.' He clicks his tongue, then a tiny smile shows on his face. 'We're almost there.'

I've given up. I'm just gonna lean back and enjoy the ride. It was dark outside and pretty cold. But the way it looks is he's taking me into some kind of woods.

'Just make my death as painless as possible.' I joke

'I'm afraid you are going to be alive and well.' He smiles. 'Also, we're here.'

We were in the middle of nowhere. This is not Seoul. We are in some kind of forest of sorts. Now I see why he told me to dress up warm. He took a backpack out of the boot of the car and came to me, taking my hand.

'I gotta show you something.' He grins. Honestly, even if he were to kill me, I'd voluntarily go with him when he smiles like this. I took his hand and let him lead the way.

I couldn't even utter a word once I saw the view.

He brought me to some kind of lake. It was surrounded by a meadow and a few trees. The skies were clear, and it was almost full moon tonight, with a lot of stars twinkling above us. It was magical the way it reflected in the water of the lake. But it was even more magical that the lake was surrounded by fireflies. They are like little flying fairy lights, gliding through the air.

'Jimin...' I don't even know what to say. This is incredible. I only saw things like these in the movies.

'I knew you were going to like it.' He giggles. 'Come.' He pulled me along a bit closer to the lake so I could take a better look,  and thanks to the moon being so bright, it was almost as if we had a light on.

I see why he had the backpack now. He brought blankets and hot tea in a thermos.

He put a huge blanket on the ground, stretching it out so we can sit on it, then put another big blanket over both of us to keep us warm.

'How did you find this place?' 

'My mom brought me here once when I was maybe 5 or 6. It was stuck in my brain, but it was so long ago that I honestly thought I only dreamt about it. But then my mom mentioned it the other day, and I asked about it. She told me where it was. I wanted you to see it.' He was hugging me with one arm, keeping me close.

'This is so beautiful. I feel like crying.'

'Is much rather see you smile than see you cry.' He snuggles me a bit closer

A little firefly landed on his hair that was sticking out from under his beanie, right next to his eye.

'This may not be what you want to hear, but if you don't move that bug away from me, I'll scream.' He was dead serious, which only made me laugh

I moved the firefly away from his hair, laughing as I did it.
'Afraid of bugs?' I giggle

'No, they are just creeping me out.' He shivered, pouting a little

'What else are you afraid of?' I ask

'Snakes, wasps, and confined spaces. What about you?'

'Spiders. I hate them with passion. No creature should have 8 legs and a million eyes.' I shudder at the mere thought, making him chuckle

'Then I'll get rid of all the spiders, add long as you get rid of the wasps and bugs.'

'That sounds like a deal.' I smile

We both kept creating little fogs with each word we spoke. Late February is a bitch, but right now, I'm loving it. I'm not even cold. He made sure we're nice and warm.

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