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'Here are the Olympic scammers.' Jungkook grins at us as soon as we walked into the gym, teasing the shit out of us

'Slept their way into the Olympics. Unbelievable.' Suri joins in on the joke

Gotta say, I love that they're like this. If they were high-strung, we would be so nervous.

'Damn it. You saw right through our plan.' Jimin jokes along, snickering a bit

'Jokes aside, you two alright? I saw the thingie pop up everywhere.' Youji asks

'Yeah, we're good. Not much we can do about people's stupidity.' I shrug

'Evening everyone.' Coach Yong came in, greeting everyone

'Evening, coach.' We greeted him right back

'You two good?' He asks us

'Yep.' Jimin smiles

'Then go change. What are you standing here for? Shoo.' He shooed us away, making everyone laugh. He'll never change.

By the time I came out, Chen was already there. Of course, he almost tackled me as soon as he saw me. Insane person.

'Ch-Chen! Air!' I wheezed out as he held me trapped in his bear hug

'No can do. This is for hiding it from me for ages.' He keeps squeezing me

'I- didn't even- tell- my parents.' I grunt out, chuckling, if you could call it that

'I bet you told him right away.' He grins

'Obviously.' Jimin giggles

'Aish, you two are both dicks. But you can make it up to me by telling everyone we're friends so I can brag.' He grins at us

'Deal, just let me breathe, please.' He was still holding me up. Truly a tank

'Let's get this war started, you can be friends later.'


2 days have gone by and things are only getting worse. It's been all over the portals on the Internet. Our hopes of it dying down died off the moment when it was broadcasted on the news.

'Jesus, this is going way too far. What the hell?' Jimin was whining at the TV, and with a good reason

"Recently the taekwondo world and more specifically, the taekwondo federation has been under some scrutiny over their choice of champions to represent the Republic of Korea in the upcoming Olympic games. Out of 6 contestants that are on the list to participate in the games, the two that caught the eye of the public are two-time World champions from Seoul, Park Jimin and Min Rin. The reason for such uproar seems to come from the personal relationship between the contestants. Many perceive their upcoming participation as a PR stunt.'

Jimin was about to turn it off, not wanting to hear much more.
'Leave it. Please. I wanna hear.' I stop him

"At the moment, both contestants seem to be keeping themselves out of the situation. At this very moment, a press conference is being held inside this building behind me, where the taekwondo committee is addressing the issue. Let's hear from them."

The camera cut to the issue of the big conference room where 5 people were sitting at the big table with a hundred cameras pointed at them. One of them is coach Ishijo. That surprised me the most. Jimin was also taken aback seeing him on TV.

'In light of the recent events, we would like to explain the course of action that took us here. All the participants have been chosen based on their performances and hard work. Personal relationships and such do not play a role in the choice. It is a long process and a lot of thoughts are put behind each choice. We do not wish to comment on this topic much further as we deem it to be completely unnecessary. It is also very insulting to the federation that had been choosing champions for years before this. This should never have become an issue as the chosen championships are only here to fight.' The man in the middle of the table was talking into his mic

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