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I was really pissed off, but the cherry on top was the lovely sight I ran into after closing the locker rooms.

I came out to see Jea wrapped around Jimin's waist, hugging him.

Okay. What the-

In his defence, he wasn't hugging her. He seemed surprised, as if she forced it. And she probably did.

'Um, Jea-'

'Jimin hyung. Thanks. You always help me so much. You're the best.' She giggles, squeezing him a bit tighter.

I was pretty much frozen by the hallway door, looking at them. I'm afraid that if I go to them, I'll kill her. Or him. Or both.

'Jea, do you mind?' He pulls her away from him

'Oh, Jimin hyung, I was wondering... if maybe... sometimes... if you'd like to go out with me? I just want to say thank you.' She bats her eyes

'Sorry, I need to lock up. Would you mind?' I said in a stern tone, making both of them jump

'Oh, Rin.' She smiles

'Rin-' Jimin calls me, but I cut him off

'I still need to close up.' I usher them out, pushing her ahead of me. She almost stumbled, but she got out.

'I guess I'll see you tomorrow, Jimin hyung.' She smiles brightly at him, waving

'Sure. Bye.' He said in a monotone voice, but I didn't bother even looking at him

I was only pissed off at her in the beginning. She's the one making all the moves and throwing herself at him. It's not his fault. But right now, he's pissing me off just as much.

He never once said no to her, no matter what she asked. He never mentioned being with me, but then again, neither have I, so that's on me just as much. But the fact is, she still hugged him. And he let it happen. And even after she asked him out, he didn't even answer. He was just staring at her like a deer in headlights.

'Rin, can you look at me?' He takes hold of my forearm, trying to get my attention

I looked at him, fully aware my eyes were red from the tears of frustration and hurt collecting in them. It's dark outside, so he can't see me well, but he can see enough.

'Rin.' He looked shocked. 'Talk to me, please.'

'Don't worry about it. We'll talk some other time.' I really don't feel like talking about it now. I'll just snap at him, and I don't want that to happen

I pulled my hand away from him and started walking, but he came right after me. 'Baby, please, tell me what's going on. You've been like this the entire class.'

'I need to go home, Jimin. Please, let go.' I went the opposite way of his car, going towards the train station

'Where are you going? The car is there.' He says

'I know.'

'Rin, don't do this. I don't even know what's going on.' He grabs my arm again

'I'm really not in the mood to talk right now. I'll call you when I'm calm and collected because I don't want to have a fight.' I said all of it, looking at the ground. I can't look at him. I know all of my tears will spill if I do

'Can you at least tell me what happened? Did I do something?' His voice is close to cracking. We never fought before.

'Problem is that you didn't do anything.' I tell him in a stern tone. 'I'm going home. I'll call you tomorrow, Jimin hyung.' I did it in the most mocking voice I could muster

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