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He puts on the Kickboxer 2. He couldn't believe there was another part of the shit movie he watched the first time.

He was watching the movie, complaining the entire time about how the main guy looks like he took 2 classes of kickboxing before he got the role.

I couldn't care less about the movie, not when I had him with me. I was watching him pout when he complained. The way his plump lips get a tiny bit puckered.
I was watching him laugh, showing his beautiful smile and listening to his infectious laugh. He ran his hand through his hair a few times, making it even harder for me to look away.

'Are you even watching the movie?' He asks, now looking at me

'No. I was watching you. It's way more interesting.' I reply, honestly

He stops watching the movie and turns on his side, looking at me.
'I thought you liked these movies.' 

'I do. I just like you more. It's your fault that I'm not paying attention.' 

He chuckles, 'How is it my fault? What did I do?' He puts his arm around my waits, pulling me closer. I push myself closer to him, feeling his arms tighten around me.

'Because you're so beautiful. It's hard to look away.' I feel a burts of heat that's slowly surfacing, ready to attack my cheeks, so I avert the gaze a little. At least I tried. I didn't get a chance as he slid his hand under my cheek, pulling my face a bit closer to him.

He was caressing my face gently, looking into my eyes. 'That is supposed to be my line.' He smiles. He hugged me tightly, pressing my face to his chest. I smile to myself, snuggling as close as I can. I don't think it's possible to ever get tired of the way he smells. It's crazy attractive.

'Mmm..' I mumble, hugging him, putting my leg over his hip to be as close as possible to him. I could die like this, and I would die happy.

'Were you nervous today at all?' He asks quietly

'No. Every time I started to feel restless, I would look over to you. I was just excited instead. I did almost disquilfy myself. I tried so hard not to smile. I just couldn't get you out of my head.' I'm happy he can't see my face right now

'Should I hide next time?' He teases

'Please don't. Having you there was giving me a push. The only reason I even went is because you told me to.' I chuckle

'And look at you now. On the national team. Representing the country.' He sounds so proud

'Honestly, I was happier getting to hug you after the performances than I was about winning.' I chuckle

'I did love how you ran to me.' He chuckles softly, squeezing me a bit

'How could I not? I forgot the rest of them were there. I just wanted to be with you.' I know I'm just making it worse for my own heart, but I want him to know how he makes me feel.

'You are with me now.'

'Seems I just keep winning.' I joke

'Talking of wins..' he gently pushes me down, so I'm on my back with him leaning over me, 'I believe I was told I can leave a mark.' he smirks

I giggle, 'And where did you choose to leave it?' I ask

'Well...' he smirks, brushing his nose against mine. Then he goes to the side, brushing it against my jawline. Oh, he is going for the neck. I might as well give him a path.

I giggle, leaning my head to the side, giving him access. 
'I like this.' He whispers quietly, leaning into my neck, kissing me. I lightly gasp at the feeling, and he kisses me again. He kissed my neck slowly, tracing from under my ear to my collarbone, gently nibbling in some places. I closed my eyes and leaned back. I was just trying to control my breathing as much as I could.

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