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Jimin slept all the way to the morning. I never thought it's possible for someone to sleep 18 hours in piece, but he did it.

'What day is it?' He asked once he started coming to his senses. More or less.

'It's Sunday.' I chuckle. 'How are you feeling?' I ask

'I feel like I'm just waking up from a coma.' He sat up and cracked his neck, stretching out a little. That was a damn loud crack.

'Did you get any sleep?' He asks

'Yeah. I got a few hours. I did wake up twice because I leaned on my hand in my sleep. That was no fun.' I sigh. 'I guess it will take a while to get used to it.'

'Are you okay? Are you in pain?' He went into full panic mode

'I'm okay. I took some painkillers about half an hour ago. Don't worry.' I smile at him. I'm honestly fine. The medication that they gave me is strong.

'I need to shower. I have never felt smellier in my life.' He says as he sniffs himself

I know he didn't get to shower in days, but he doesn't smell at all. Maybe cause he didn't move much, but it's still weird.

'You don't actually smell at all.' I smile. 'But take your time.'

'You better not move. I'll be back soon.' He kissed me on the forehead before getting out of bed.

He took off his shirt and dropped it on the chair before walking into the bathroom. God, he looks perfect even from the back. Phew.

This might have been the longest shower he ever took. It was almost half an hour.

'I thought you drowned in there.' I tease him as he comes out, wrapped in a towel around his waist.

He didn't even dry himself properly. His hair was wet, water trickling off the ends down his chest. Every drop of water that fell was gliding over the curves and edges of his abdominal muscles. His v muscles were coming up from the edge of the towel.He almost looked like he oiled himself as he was glistening. And to top it all off, he had his eyes closed as he ran his hands through his wet hair, pushing it back so it's out of his perfect face.

Yep. This is going to be my husband one day.

'Oh, is that so?' He smirks at me

Shit. I keep saying these things out loud!!!

I sunk into my bed, covering my face with my pillow out of embarrassment.

'What are you hiding for?' He sat next to me, pulling the pillow off my face. He wasn't smirking at me. He had a beautiful smile on his face.

'Because I'm an idiot whose mouth works faster than the brain.' I mumble

He giggles, putting his hand on the side of my face. 'You know I love when you do this. I love that you can't help it.'

'I know. But it's embarrassing.' I pout

'What is? You calling me your husband or doing this in general?' He teases

'Both.' I can feel my face burning. I must be so red right now

'I don't find it embarrassing.' He smiles, caressing my face gently. 'You can call me whatever you want, and I'll be that for you.'

Could he be any more perfect?!

'While we're on the subject of husbands... I talked to Soo Ho yesterday. He told me about Ae Mi.'

'Oh, he did?' He smiles brightly. 'I wanted to tell you so badly, but it wasn't my thing to say. It was eating me alive.'

'I know.' I chuckle. 'It shocked me, though. I never saw that coming. He even showed me the ring. That almost gave me a heart attack.'

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