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I felt so giddy from Jimin holding my hand earlier than I didn't even care about fighting. I wanted to get it over with so I could go back to him.
I saw him on the stands, smiling at me as much as he could. He is putting on his brave face not to psyche me out. He is way too good to be true.

'We love you, Rin!' Youji yells over with the rest of them, screaming as well. Even his old team was cheering me on. I don't know why, really, I don't know them. But thank you, I guess.

I made a heart above my head towards them before having  my shield tied up. I spoke to coach for a bit before the fight started, talking about the strategies. I was stretching my legs as we were talking. I gotta win this.

We got called into our position with the cheers getting louder from the side. I put on my helmet and got my stance ready.

I fought this girl before. She is the one who kept taking my spot on the team due to her dad's connections. I think it's time we put her down once and for all.

She launched herself at me, screaming, as soon as the round began. She was going for the head but received a kick in the shield under her leg, giving me a point right away.
She went in again, aiming for the shield this time, but I dodged and managed to hit her on the head with a neryo kick.

Somehow, I feel like she got worse. Maybe it's the nerves and pressure.
Whatever the reason, I'm happy. I'm getting a free win so far.

I attacked first, this time going for the shield, then attacking the head last moment. Perfect landing. I heard Jimin and Jungkook screaming their lungs out.

Time for the round 2.
I attacked first with a fast round kick, then connected a spin kick right after it, followed by a round kick with my other leg. We exchanged a few hits between us, both of us scoring. We got close to the edge, and she pushed me out. Literally pushed me. I got a negative point. It doesn't matter the reason you're not allowed to leave the mat.

Right then. If you're gonna be like that,I might as well join you. I chased her all around the tatami Court, kicking her anywhere I could reach. She was only defending herself and tried pushing me off. I pushed her out, making her lose a point as well. She looked pissed off.

We got back to the middle of the court, and she ran at me to speed. I back kicked her in the chest, and she fell on her ass, getting another negative point. You're not allowed to fall either.

She then got really pissed off and kicked me full force in my thigh. I groaned loudly at the impact, grabbing my leg. That fucking hurt. She didn't even try to hide it as an accident. She was all proud of herself. 
The referee stopped the fight, giving me time to put the deep freeze spray on the spot to cool it down right away. This is gonna bruise for a while.
I took a minute to massage my leg and get back. The entire time, I heard the guys cussing her out from the side and yelling at her. I saw my mom looking petrified as well.

'What a cheap shot. Get her back for it.' Coach Yong says as he puts the spray on my leg

'Oh, I plan on it.' I tell him, pissed off. The leg doesn't hurt as bad, but once it's cooled down, it will be a ballache.

I got back ready to fight. I am knocking this bitch out.
I collected all the energy I had left and went berserk. I screamed with every hit I landed on her, hitting her full strength. She was struggling and grunting, but she couldn't push me away. I kicked her so hard in the chest that I could hear her wheeze out, losing her air. I wanted to use that before the referee saw, so I did a spin kick as fast as I could, kicking her in the face.

She fainted, falling down on the floor. I fell down on my knees, then sat down, gasping for air. That was exhausting. I won. But I'm too tired to get up.

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