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We got to gym 1 around 10 AM. There were already a few people in there as we walked inside, sitting around, scattered around the tatami floor. They looked right at us as we were walking towards them. It was a bit awkward, not gonna lie. Thankfully, the awkwardness didn't last long as one of them greeted us.

'Hello.' A guy about our age greeted us with a huge smile

'Hello.' I smile, bowing a little

'Hiya.' Jimin does the same

'I know you.' One of the girls speaks to me. 'You're Rin, right?' She asks

'Yes, that's me.' I chuckle. 'I'm sorry, I don't know-'

'Oh, don't stress it. I'm Baejongu Kim.' She smiles. 'Nice to meet you.' She offers me her hand, and I shake it
'I know you as well. Nice to meet you, Park.' She smiles at him, offering her hand to him as well

'Nice to meet you as well.' He shakes her hand, smiling back

We sat down next to them so we wouldn't be all on our own and awkward. More people started coming one by one. Within 5 minutes, everyone came in. There were 12 of us. 6 guys and 6 girls. Everyone for a different category. 

The national teams usually have only one person per category, and there are limited categories for some tournaments, so they don't need a big team. But it's hard to pluck 12 people for the team when there are about 700 million in the sport. 

Soon after us, the coach walked in waving at everyone. 'Please, stay seated.' He told us as everyone started getting up. He, himself, sat down and got comfy.

'Welcome, everyone. Most of you here know me well, for those who don't, I am coach Ishijo. I will be your head coach for the team.' Everyone gave him a tiny applause and he chuckled, before continuing.

'Our first official training will be tomorrow. I want everyone nice and rested, so please, get some sleep tonight.'

'Yes, Coach!' Everyone yells, and he nods at us

'Now, to the important things. The training will be 2 times a day, 3 hours long classes. You will have one day a week to rest and recuperate. In addition to training, we have a gym for those who want extra practice on their own, although you will have more than enough so I doubt you will need it.' He made everyone chuckle

'As for everything else outside of the centre. Do not leave the premises without letting us know first. You need to have approval, unless it's an emergency. I hope I don't even have to explain that there is no drinking and smoking and such. If I see any of you doing any of that, consider yourself out of the team on the spot.' Well, that I don't need to worry about. But it seems some of them look a bit petrified.

'Continuing. You are all in your own rooms, so you have plenty of space. I do not care what you do in your free time and if you are hanging out in someone's room, but when 11 o'clock hits, you better be in your own room, or you will be going back home in an instant.' Jesus, they are strict. They would kick us out for breaking the curfew. 

'Furthermore, relationships. I am sure you are all aware of the no dating policy within the team.' I felt like my heart got stuck in my throat. I didn't even need to look at Jimin to know he is the same. I could see in the corner of my eye the way he froze.

'I will be happy to tell you that I find that rule to be the dumbest thing ever.' He says, making everyone look at each other in shock

'I see you're all a bit surprised. I have been through this many times, and it doesn't make much difference if someone has a boyfriend or a girlfriend, as long as they do their jobs. Take these two for an example.' He gestures at me and Jimin. What. the. fuck?!

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