She wasn't lying. She definitely drank for both of us. I am kind of impressed with the amount of alcohol she can handle.
I was watching her laugh and talk the entire night as her cheeks got more and more flushed with each drink. She also gets really clingy when she's a bit tipsy. She held tightly onto my arm, occasionally randomly biting it, which made me want to laugh so badly.
She also kept pulling me close to whisper in my ear, and every time she did, it would be something unexpected. I just thought it would be something inappropriate, but it ended up being cute things that I have no idea why she had to whisper them.
I got a few I love yous. I also got a few comments about how much she loves my smile. Then 2 times she just giggled, sniffing me a little, all happy with herself. She also kept telling me how handsome I am and, apparently, it's fun to smack my butt. I don't really know what to do with that information.
But the whole point is that she is absolutely adorable when she's tipsy. Even more than usual. She gets all giddy and cuddly and soft. And it looks like it turns her into a kpop idol.
Her and Soo Ho are definitely siblings. They are the same when they're drunk. They were playing some random music, dancing and singing to it. She's not half bad, but he is God-awful. We recorded all of it. There is so much material to blackmail them for the rest of their lives. Well, him. She could kill us all so I'm not doing that.
'Jiminshi, Jiminshi!' She called me by that cute nickname she uses when she wants something. Oooor when she's drunk.
'What is it, baby?' I smiled at her, watching her almost run to me
She came to sit on my lap, hugging me around the neck, hiding her face in it. Come on. Why is she so cute?!
'Wanna go ice skating?'
Is this another side of her drunk self? Crazy ideas?
'Ice-skating?' I chuckle
'Mhm. Mhm.' She nodded against my chest. 'You know, when you put the thingies on your feet and you go zoom on the ice?'
I'm not sure if I should laugh or facepalm. Zoom on the ice... what an idiot.
'Yes, we can go do the zoom on the ice.' I laughed as I held her close. She got all happy, swinging her feet, squealing yay quietly. I could never say no to her, even if I wanted to.'Never seen this before.' Her dad was watching us, laughing quietly
'I'm just happy she's not a violent drunk. There would be a lot of dead people around.' Her mom joins in on the joke
She tugged on my shirt, getting my attention.
'Hm?' I hum. 'What's wrong?' I gently caress her beautiful, but flushed face'Too far.' She brings her legs up on my lap, turning herself into a little ball, nuzzling even closer. 'You're too far, Jiminshi.' She mumbles
'I'm sorry, but I'm taking a picture of this.' Ae Mi giggles, doing as she said
'Please, send that to me so I can torture her with it in the morning.' I grin
'You're not much better. Have you seen your face, dear?' My mom laughs at me. I have no idea what she's talking about
'You're bright red, son.' Her dad finds all of this hilarious
'Don't listen to them. They're mean. You're cute.' Rin kisses my neck, sounding half asleep at this point
'Aaaand this is why.' Ae Mi laughs
A scream from Soo Ho singing to something made everyone jump. Even Rin shuffled.
'Jiminshi, can you sing something?' She needs to stop calling me so cutely

Love At First Kick
Storie d'amoreA TaeKwonDo champion on the verge of making it into the national team suffers an injury that somehow brings him into your club. Will you be able to focus on your training with him around? Will it pull you back? Or push you forward? And will he ever...