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It's been about a month since we came back from France. My finger has been healing great. I am almost back to training as well. I have gone back to my running schedule for about 10 days now. I need to get my lungs back. I feel like I've been laying around doing absolutely nothing. I still can't do much with my hand as it's still in the cast, but it's almost healed. I'm going in 3 days to take the cast off completely.

I have been going to the gym all the time to watch them train and such. Jungkook keeps threathening me all the time that he will beat my ass and take my title, grinning at me like a mischevious child.
I did bring my medal to the gym so he was running around wearing it. He even posted it on Instagram, captioning 'I starved myself to win this one.' All of our medals have our names and cetegories on it, so it says -47. He did get a shit ton of comments on it so he was more than happy. 

And if we are to talk about social media, Jimin got bombarder. Once he showed up on TV, his Instagram pretty much exploded with followers, likes and comments. It was mostly girls fanning over him, leaving comments such as 'My hubby' or simply leaving their phone numbers in the comments. He did lock his messages because he kept getting bombarded, which was absolutely hilsarious. But I don't know what he expected.

I, on the other hand, got a mixture of congratulations and threaths.
Jimin posted a picture of the two of us and captioned it with 'My world (champion)' Which is a bit cringey, but it made me giggle a bit too much. But, with the picture, I got a lot of angry girls sending things to me because I stole their future husband. I mean, I am happy to fight them for it if they really want. But apart from that, the rest was all messages of congratulations and such.

Apart from that, we had to have a few interviews the last few weeks, which was extremely unusual. It's not something we are used to. IyeShi didn't seem to have an issue. He looked like he was born to be on TV. He was so relaxed that it helped me and Jimin relax as well.

Next week we are having an entire TV crew coming to our gym to record us train. I will be back to training by then. I just hope I don't injure myself again by accident.

I am just waiting for Jimin to finish his training, watching him and the rest of the guys from the side. They were currently stretching on the ground, catching some breath before they change and leave. 

I was just watching him stretch. His legs in a perfect split as he's leaning in the middle, leaning on his elbows. He used one hand to push some hair back from his face as it had grown a bit. Sweat drops were slowly gliding down his sharp jawline, and some went down his neck from under his hair. That will never not be attractive about him.

'Creepy.' Suri says to me, waking me up from my daze

'Hm?' I hum at her

'You're gonna burn a hole in his face one day with how much you're staring.' She teases.
Jimin looked at me with the brightest smile, all happy that I'm watching him.

'You're supposed to be stretching, not watching me. Leave me alone.' I scold her, feeling my cheeks heating up a little

'It's okay, I'm used to it by now. She's worse at home.' Jimin teases even more, making them laugh, grinning from ear to ear. Worst thing is, he is not even lying. But you can't blame me. He looks like a painting. All you wanna do is admire him.

'You have no right to speak, you're just as bad.' Jungkook throws his helmet at him, but Jimin blocked it in time, giggling at Jungkook

I was laughing along when my phone buzzed next to me, so I checked to see what it is. To say that I almost had a heart attack would be an understatement.

I must have been staring at my phone for a while because Jimin came over to tap me on my knee
'What's wrong?' He asks, looking at me worriedly

'No-nothing's wrong. It's- it's this.' I turn my phone for him to see, and his eyes shoot wide open in surprise.

'Shit. Hold on.' He took his phone from the side, opening his email as well. 'Oh, damn. Wow.' he laughs in shock

'Someone want to share with the class?' Youji asks, seeing how we are both in a bit of a shock

'We... um.. We got.. paid?' Jimin chuckles, still not sure how to say it

It seems winning the worlds pays off. Quite literally. 

'What do you mean?' Jungkook asks

'We got paid from the taekwondo federation for winning gold at world championship.' I somehow push out the words, looking at my screen still. 

'Oh, seriously?! How much?! Did you get a few thousand?' Suri gets all excited

'It's.. it's a lot more than that.' Jimin is just as shocked. 'We got 70 thousand. Each.'

'70 thousand won?! That is crazy!' Jungkook yells

'No. Not won. Dollars.' I correct him, barely whispering. I have never seen so many numbers in my bank account. I might have a stroke.

'WHAT?!!?!?' All three of them yell at the same time

'No fucking way!' Youji runs over to look at our phones, and sure enough, she got the shock of her life

Getting paid was the last thing on my mind. We figured we would be compesated some, but not this much. This is insanity. This is eqiuivelent to 2 years of earnings for some people. And we got it doing what we love.

Jimin was still staring at his phone when he started laughing like a maniac.
'Look at this moron.' He turns the phone, turning up the volume.

IyeShi recorded a video, screaming and running around the house shirtless, yelling 'WE ARE FUCKING RICH!' and sent it to Jimin

'It says in the email that coach Ishijo got 30 thousand for each of us as well, for training us.' I read out. I kept reading, but there was no mention of coach Yong. I get why, but he is the reason I am where I am. He's been training me for over 10 years now.

'Umm, Rin-' Jimin must have been reading the same thing

'Yep. I was just thinking the same.' I smile at him

'You two will be buying us dinners for the rest of your lives.' Jungkook grins

'We didn't get that much money.' Jimin jokes, 'But I think we can celebrate at least today. Let's get changed and get some food.'

He didn't even finish the last part of the sentence, and Jungkook already sprint off to the changing room, dropping half of his equipement on the way there.

'He is a menace.' Jimin laughs, shaking his head after Jungkook

I feel like this is going to be one expensive dinner.

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