EIGHTEEN: Superspies

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Joyce creaked open the door, her footsteps echoing through the walls of the silent house as did the duos as they trailed behind. "Jesus it's freezing" Lily muttered under her breath as her body shuttered.

The two kids inquisitive-filled eyes probed the entity of the house, drawings glutted the marble linoleum along with the walls as they made their way to the Carmel-haired boy's room. "Knock knock" The Byers' woman softly spoke as she gently pushed open the painted door revealing Will and Eddie.

The two boys' pallid skin was exposed to the cool that hit their backs from the opening of the bedroom door as the twp boys vacantly started ahead.

"We have visitors. It's your friends" The woman spoke meekly, her body tensing slightly as in sync the two boys' heads turned in sync.

"It's like... It's like we can feel exactly what the shadow monster is feeling. See what he's seeing" Will spoke feebly as if it painted him to talk about the topic.

"Like in the Upside Down?" Mike inquired, scrutiny the two boys' guise as he crept around the room. "Some of him is there. But he's also here too" The Cooper boy continued, his grip constricting gripping the bed sheets under his palm as his body began to grow much warmer.

"Here like in this house?" The fathom Wheeler boy continued to investigate, attempting to get a better understanding of the situation. The Harrington girl kept her distance from the two, leaning on the caramel-haired boy's wooden desk by the window where she scrutiny the Byers' and Cooper boy's every movement.

The caramel and chestnut-haired boys were saturated in their own sweat with rigid shoulders as they sat unremitting on Will's bed side by side. "In this house... in me, in both of us," Will replied with evident upheaval as he dragged out his words, nothing but his mouth moving.

That sentence alone gave the brunette a vivid feeling of endurance that repeatedly washed over her body as she began to feel Will and Eddie's presence fade as the seconds passed by."It's like he just keeps reaching into Hawkins more and more. He just won't stop" Eddie's voice spoke as it inconcipiously grew hoarse with every word.

"I don't know how but the more he spreads, the more connected we are to him" The skittish boy's words broke and wobbled as his pierced eyes brimmed with seeping tears. "More you see these now memories" Lily finally spoke up, an overwhelming fear for Hawkins sinking deep into her bones of what lethal the shadow monster had in store for the group.

"At first it was just a weird feeling on the back of our necks but lately... he's everywhere in us" Eddie's once cordial voice was replaced with guttural as his fingers gripped his neck before they slid down and rested on his shoulder.

"I didn't really know it was there before. The only way I could describe it would be- it's like" Eddie continued for the Byers boy, prattling incomprehensible noises sneaking past his lips as he attempted to gather his deluge thoughts and speak at the same time but just further confusing the two.

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