ONE: The Arcade

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Lily was sitting in the fort she had to build Eleven what seemed like eons ago in Mike's basement with Mike by her side as the duo tried to contact the girl

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Lily was sitting in the fort she had to build Eleven what seemed like eons ago in Mike's basement with Mike by her side as the duo tried to contact the girl. 

Mike was the only person who knew about how every night for exactly 350 days Lily would try to get in touch with Eleven through her supercomm but so far nothing but static and occasionally Lily would hear Eleven voice but it was always ended up to be Dustin. 

Lily kept a notepad beside her in the fort at all times so doesn't forget how many days have passed since Eleven had disappeared, not as she would.

"Lily, do you copy? Or Mike do you copy?" Dustin's voice cracked through the static of the supercomm, Lily sighed as her thumb slid over the button. "Yeah, I copy" Lily spoke as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"What the hell are you doing on this channel?" Dustin softly exclaimed as Lily rolled her eyes and rested her head on the palm of her hand that was relaxed on her lap. "Nothing Henderson. Why did you radio?" Lily spoke irritated by her curly-haired friend as she released the black button on the side of the supercomm. 

"Is Mike there with you?" Dustin inquired through the supercomm as Lily turned to Mike before handing the walkie-talkie to the dark-haired boy.

"Yeah I'm here" Mike answered before giving back the supercomm to the brunette beside him. 

"Lucas, Bev, and I have nine bucks in total. What're your guys haul?" Dustin asked Lily's eyes enlarged as the duo shared an 'oh no' look, they had forgotten the group's plan to go play arcade games in the Palace Arcade.

"Shit! W-we forgot! I-I don't know!" Lily stumbled slightly as she repeatedly blinked her eyes rapidly. 

"What do you mean you forgot? What do you mean you don't know yet?" Dustin spoke extremely annoyed at the duo about how they forgot about the plan the group made over a week ago through the static. 

"Um. H-Hold on! Call Will and Eddie, over and out" Lily rushly said before Lily abruptly pushed the antenna down and threw it aside.

Mike and Lily quickly crawled out of the blanket fort in the Basement of the Wheelers before they floundered on their feet, their fingers interlocked as the two ran up the basement floor, their feet roughly hitting the wooden steps. 

As Mike and Lily ran through the ground floor to the second stair of stairs, earning a scold from Karen for running in the house. Lily shouted an apology to the woman before she untangled their fingers, going in different directions of the second floor.

Mike rammed through Nancy's drawers in search of Nancy's piggyback so he can 'borrow' coins from Nancy. 

Lily darted to Mike's room and ran over to Mike's closet, she opened the slim closet and pushed away junk that crowded the top shelf. A relief sigh escaped her lips as she tippy-toed to reach for the turquoise box, she brought the box down and placed it down on the bed with a smile.

Beautiful - Eleven Hopper (Under editing)Where stories live. Discover now