Chapter 3

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After making sure breakfast was ready for Jungkook, Yoona got out of her apartment, ready for uni. That day Jungkook was free in the first period so he would wake up a little later than usual and Yoona had to go alone.

As she was going down the stairs of her apartment building, she heard rushed footsteps coming from behind and then she felt a huge force pushing her, making her lose her balance and trip at the wall nearby. She was quick enough to grab the handle so she wouldn't fall down the stairs.

Shocked, she looked back to see who had bumped that strongly into her and was met with equally as shocked eyes.

"I'm so so so sorry! I was rushing and I didn't pay much attention where I was going, I'm really really really sorry!" the guy said, grabbing her and spinning her a few times around to check for any possible injuries, while she cringed at the skinship.

"Oh my, you're bleeding! Let me go grab a band aid" he said, running away to his apartment who happened to be right at that floor.

She looked at her wrist which had a small cut from the strong impact, even though she didn't feel pain at all.

Would it be rude of me to not wait for him and just quietly leave?

He seems a little bit weird even though he's been my neighbor for years...

She didn't have time to think much as the guy came in front of her with a band aid on his hand. Ever so gently, he took her wrist and put it on her carefully, as if touching a feather.

"All good now" he said, giving her an adorable boxy smile as if he was a little child.

"Oh right, I haven't introduced myself properly, I'm Taehyung, your neighbor since a few years" he said, smiling brightly as he extended his hand for a handshake.

"Yoona" she shook his hand with a tight smile, feeling awkward.

"I'll take my leave now Taehyung, or else I'll get late for uni" she gave him a toothy smile as she ran off without even waiting for him to say goodbye.

"Such a weird guy" Yoona chuckled, chewing on her strawberry tasted gum.

"Handsome too"

*a few hours later

Yoona sighed, slapping her cheeks as she pouted.

"I'm not in the mood for this now" she grumbled, trying to hide in the crowd so she wouldn't be noticed.

Right now, she was on dancing class and she had a joined class with the seniors of the dancing department from the fourth year. And a dance battle was going on. The students blended and one had the right to call someone else for a dance battle, it didn't matter whether they were in the first or the fourth year, it was more like the first year was showing its gems to the olders while the olders shared their professionalism with the youngers.

After being in two hours of rapping classes where she was assigned to write a rapping verse and having brainstormed for the whole time, she didn't have any energy left at all to dance so she stayed hidden, hoping no one would call out to her.

Then, her teacher's voice rang through her ears.

"Yeji, who do you want to challenge?"

Immediately Yoona got up from her hiding spot, wanting to see the dance battle. And the name Yeji spelled left her mouth wide open.

"Jeon Jungkook from the fourth year"

Yes, Jungkook was there too.

He was surprised, but came out and smiled at Yeji.

"Just because we know each other it doesn't mean I'll go easy on you" he said with a smirk.

"Don't get your hopes too high up, maybe I'll surprise you" Yeji grinned in response.

Yeji might be a hella shy girl, especially when it came to Jungkook, but when it came to dancing, she forgot everything else.

As the music started, Jungkook motioned Yeji to start.

"Ladies first"

Nodding, Yeji came out in the middle and started dancing, her body flowing with the music with such elegance, everybody's mouth was opened agape. Well, the first years' already knew her talent, but now it was the seniors' turn to be surprised, Jungkook's too.

After about one minute, she stopped and opened her eyes, the bliss of music still tempting her to continue dancing but she knew it was Jungkook's turn now. He nodded at her with an acknowledging smile, silently clapping while everyone else was clapping loudly.

And then he started dancing.

Maybe his body didn't flow just like Yeji's due to his body being bulky while her body was slim like a feather, but in every dance move of his there were feelings which pulled Yeji in a trance. Yet she knew better than to drool at her crush so she tried to keep her cool.

As he was done, everybody clapped at his dancing too, and the teacher was baffled. He couldn't decide which deserved to win among the two.

"You choose who wins" he said to the students, and the majority of the students chose Yeji. While her year's students supported their friend, the fourth year's students supported a rising talent.

After Yeji and Jungkook left the middle of the crowd, a freckled cute boy from the first year came and smiled at everyone.

"Felix, choose who do you want to challenge" the teacher said, and the said boy started looking through the crowd, while Yoona rushed to go back to her hiding spot.

Felix, Yeji and Yoona were the best dancing students from the first year, but with Felix and Yoona being slightly better than Yeji, the competition between the two was strong. And Yoona wasn't in the mood to start a quarrel again.

Unknown to Yoona, Yeji went near Felix and whispered something in his ear, making him smirk.

"Jeon Yoona, come out here!" he yelled, making the people around Yoona snicker at her almost crying expression.

"Lee Felix you dwarf" she grumbled, going to the front and mustering the biggest fake smile she could.

"Let's start, shall we?" Felix grinned, and as the music started, he was the first to go.

His body moved along with the nonexistent wind inside the big hall, with all his first year fangirls drooling at him while the seniors clapped.

As he stopped dancing, a big smile took over his face as he was satisfied with his dancing. Than, he motioned Yoona to dance with a smile, to which she non-gladly complied.

Yet with only a little effort, she totally slayed the challenge, despite the horrible headache she had. As she was done with the music, everybody was clapping her, Felix too. Well, everybody but the teacher, who didn't look satisfied at all.

"You danced perfectly, even better than Felix or anybody else today, but there were no feelings at all. I don't care whether you are not feeling okay or anything, but as long as you don't put a feeling, Felix will beat you, just like today" the teacher said, and Felix's fangirls squealed.

"See? The best won today" he said with a proud goofy smile, making Yoona break into a chuckle despite her massive headache because of his silly expression.

"Felix you airhead" she started laughing, high-fiving him.

Despite them being rivals, they always were easy going to each other and Yoona could proudly say that other than Yeji, Felix was a good friend of hers among all her other friends at uni.

Yet even though everybody was laughing and in a good mood, there was someone who was fuming.

"How dare that bastard..."

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