Chapter 26

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Yoona and Yeji left uni together, holding hands as they decided to go to a café and drink something, they were tired as hell. Jungkook wasn't with them, because the dance professor had asked him to stay after classes for something. He promised to tell them later about it.

The girls sat down in their favorite café, in the corner in the far end so no one would bother them, aside from the waiter. Then they ordered their drinks.

"So?" Yoona queried, brow raised at her best friend.

"What?" Yeji mirrored the look.

"What's with my brother's knuckles?"

"I don't know either, he didn't tell me anything" Yeji shrugged, playing dumb.

"Like I'd fall for that. Spill" Yoona said, tone and expression dead serious, making Yeji shiver slightly. Yoona being serious was a rare sight, and definitely not a pleasant one.

"There was this guy who hit on me, he kept doing that even after I rejected him and I started to get uncomfortable. Than Jungkook came into the picture and the two fought" Yeji said, not daring to look at her best friend's eyes because she thought she would be angry at her. Then she felt a head lean on her shoulder.

"Don't worry, I don't blame you for it. If anything, it's my brother's fault for not being able to hold himself back. How is that other guy?" Yoona asked, patting Yeji's back comfortingly.

"How do you even know Jungkook was the one to win the fight?" Yeji asked, surprised.

"My bro rarely gets mad, but when he does, I suggest you run for your life, now tell me how bad that other guy is now" Yoona said, memories of a few times when Jungkook almost beat up some guys who hit on her coming to her mind.

"His face will certainly have some bruises for a month or two, but other than that nothing..." Yeji trailed off, hoping that Yoona would believe her lie. She didn't want to scare the girl by telling her the truth, and she trusted Jungkook when he had told her he would take care of it. Why make Yoona worry for nothing?

"I see... I just hope his knuckles heal quickly and he doesn't get in any trouble because of this..." Yoona trailed off.

Better not tell Yeji the fact that this is not the first time, and certainly not the worst...

Gotta talk to Kookie later about this, though...

Both the girls sipped on their drinks, before switching to another topic. They didn't want to talk about that incident more and they had plenty of other things to talk about, like all the interesting stuff which happens in uni, as in who has a crush on who or who had a fight.

Immersed in their own chat and laughter, the girls didn't notice two familiar people entering the café.

But the people immediately noticed them, and made their way to the girls' table.

"Hello girls" they greeted, and when the two turned their heads, they saw two familiar boys.

"Jimin, Taehyung, hello" the girls greeted with bright smiles the boys. That moment, the waiter passed by and Jimin called him over.

"Whatever the ladies order is on us" Taehyung said, while the waiter narrowed his eyes at them, turning to look at the girls for confirmation. The girls nodded, thankful to the fact that the waiter was ready to step in and help them out in awkward situations. It had occurred to them before for boys to come and hit on them, making them uncomfortable, and a nod was enough for that specific waiter to come at their rescue. The girls didn't even know the guy's name, but they felt safe in that café whenever he was doing his shift.

"It's okay" Yoona smiled, and the waiter went away after nodding.

After that, Jimin and Taehyung sat far away from the girls, not wanting to bother them while they were together. Both the boys stole multiple glances at the girls' table though. Taehyung staring at Yoona, and Jimin staring from time to time at Yeji.

"Girl, I'm telling you, Jimin has something for you, I'm sure of it" Yoona whispered, even though the boys were far away and couldn't hear their chat.

"You think so?" Yeji raised a brow.

"How can you be so dense after years and years of boys repeatedly crushing on you and asking you out?! He has something for you and ever since you started dating Jungkook, haven't you noticed how whenever he sees you two together, he's all salty and scowling? He's definitely jealous, mark my words" Yoona said with a smirk.

"And what do I do? He's my assistant professor, and I'm a student in the first year of uni, and I'll be his student until the last year, since I plan on enrolling in the dance department. It's not appropriate" Yeji huffed, taking a sip from her drink.

"Normally, I'd have told you to drop the guy you're dating and get Jimin, the guy is a whole package, but it's my bro whom you're dating so I'm not going to say that" Yoona chuckled, patting Yeji's shoulder.

"I suggest you wait for a while, at least until Jimin decides to make his feelings obvious, and then you clear this whole thing out. It would be better for the both of you to not rush anything. And I suggest you don't run into Jimin while you're with Jungkook, he could get hella jealous and that would bring trouble, wouldn't it?" Yoona said, making Yeji nod in agreement.

After the girls finished their drinks, they got up and nodded at the waiter, before waving at the guys. Then they left, mentally noting to not accept Jimin's treats anymore.

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