Chapter 10

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Four days had passed, and now Jungkook felt better, to the point he decided it was time to go back to uni, he was in his last year which was the most important of it all.

Him and Yoona walked calmly side by side, the breeze which was getting warmer day by day kissing their cheeks softly. Spring had come with all its glory, meaning that now the weather would be better and pretty flowers flooded pretty much the whole city. New love would blossom together with the flowers, that's what Yoona felt, but she couldn't pinpoint to whom exactly.

Her train of thought was interrupted once she caught sight of her bestfriend waiting patiently for her. Yoona immediately yelled, waving at her weirdly and making people around them on the street look at them. Jungkook and Yeji just pretended to not know her.

After the two best friends hugged each other, Yeji turned to Jungkook with a shy smile, bowing slightly. She hated the fact that her cheeks were probably pink, and she couldn't use the cold weather as an excuse anymore.

"No need to bow, it makes me feel old. We're friends now, so just drop the formalities" he said with a soft smile, hugging her.

Yoona bit her lip hard to prevent herself from laughing, as the scene was truly funny. Jungkook just hugged her as a friendly gesture while Yeji had forgotten how to breathe and her face had gone fifty shades of red.

"Yo, calm down girl" Yoona whispered at her best friend, and Yeji immediately started coughing to bring herself together.

"Why are you so red? Do you have a fever or something?" Jungkook asked, totally oblivious to the fact he was the reason for Yeji becoming like that.

"No need to worry much, she just has a slight fever" Yoona rushed to cover for her friend, noticing that her friend wasn't in a state where she could speak.

"Oh, you should have dressed warmer" Jungkook said, sounding genuinely worried as he started looking through his bag for something. After a few seconds, he took out what he was looking for and Yoona held in a gasp as she noticed his scarf in his hands. Then with a swift move, he wrapped it firmly around Yeji's neck. Then he walked ahead without waiting for her reaction.

Luckily he didn't see Yeji almost fainting and Yoona rushing to catch her before she fell face first on the ground.

"This definitely wasn't a good way to start this morning" Yoona groaned, dragging a dazed Yeji with her.

*time skip

Jungkook and Yoona let themselves fall on the comfy couch of their living room, their busy day at the uni having drained all their energy.

"I'm too lazy to cook by myself today, will you help me?" Jungkook said, already leaving the couch despite his body telling him to just sit down again. Food was important.

"Of course, let's go" Yoona said, getting up as well.

"Let's make omelette, we don't have energy for a more complicated dish" Jungkook said with a grin as they entered the kitchen together. Then he threw an apron at her and she caught it swiftly, thanking her quick reflexes.

"I'll chop up the vegetables while you break the eggs" Yoona said, grabbing a knife while Jungkook passed her a carrot.

They started doing their respective duties and in less than five minutes they were done, well with a few stains on their aprons.

"I told you it wasn't a good idea to let the oil on heat for too long. Look at the aprons, it's a mess. I do the laundry in this house you know" Jungkook grumbled, stabbing the half-burnt omelette with his fork.

"Be grateful I pushed you out of the way. If it weren't for me, it wouldn't be the aprons stained, but your face. And let me guarantee, you'd get burnt" she shrugged, eating her perfectly cooked omelette with pleasure. Whenever accidents like that happened in the kitchen, Yoona was the one to get the perfectly cooked dish and Jungkook the burnt one. Accidents like that would happen a lot since they started cooking by themselves after their parents died, but they were slowly getting used to the kitchen and the numerous risks it had if not used properly.

"Well, there was something I wanted to talk to you about" he said after taking a sip from his banana milk.

"What is it?" Yoona said.

"Well, Yeji seems to have a crush on me"

Author's note

Uhh, sorry for the short and not so good chapter, I'm out of ideas...

^ me right now

(Edit is not mine, credits to the amazing owner whom I don't know😅)

That's it from me for today, bye 👋💜

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