Chapter 36

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Yoona entered the university campus, a depressed-looking Yeji walking beside her. The tension felt thick, despite the fact Jungkook wasn't nearby. Yoona could feel it just the way her best friend would look at her the moment his name was mentioned.

"Honey, go to class now, you'll get late and you don't want to get in trouble with Ms. Kim" Yoona said with a chuckle, knowing her best friend's professors very well.

Nodding, Yeji ran off.

Yoona went to the opposite side of the hall, going to her rapping class early. It would be awkward to be in the same lesson hall with Yoongi all alone after what happened, but being the curious girl she is, Yoona went there anyway.

*time skip

Going to rapping class was totally a bad idea. Throughout the whole class, Yoongi would look at her whenever he had the chance, and the other students were shocked to see how much the professor was interacting with the student.

"Yoona, are you okay? What is going on?" Han asked her worriedly. He was also in class and was worried for his friend.

"Yeah, professor Min was staring at you like a creep the whole lesson" Sunwoo added, surprising her. The latter most of the time had an indifferent mood, and she didn't expect him to get worried. Not that she complained, though.

"Nothing I know of. I'll drop by his office to find out" Yoona shrugged. They were her friends, but they were not that close and she didn't want them to think of her weirdly, which would happen if she told them she had a sibling-like relationship with their rapping professor.

"Are you sure? Do you want us to tag along? Or at least wait by the door in case anything happens?" Han said, Sunwoo nodding in agreement as well. Yoona chuckled.

"We're in campus Han, what could happen? He can't do anything to me. If the conversation starts creeping me out, I can just get out, we're in a building full of people, for heaven's sake" she said, patting both the boys in their shoulders and walking to Yoongi's office.

She knocked on the door, but no response came so she just entered. The office was empty, though. Jungkook's words rang in her ears, reminding her that being alone with Yoongi wasn't the best thing to do.

It's okay, even though I told them not to, Han and Sunwoo both followed me here and I bet they'll wait until I come out, so I'm safe...

Looking around the office, she noticed nothing had changed since she cut Yoongi off. The guitar was still at the same shelf he always kept it, the papers scattered messily on the table, and a sweet scent of vanilla filled her nostrils.

Why do I feel like rummaging his drawers?

"Gosh Yoona, you're such a weirdo" she chuckled at herself before she made her way to the drawers of his messy study table. They weren't locked.


The first thing that greeted Yoona was a picture of a toddler Yoongi about eight years old, and a baby girl wearing pink, about 1 year old. Both the kids were smiling at the camera, with their cute gummy smiles.

"Little Yoongi looks so cuteeee" she cooed.

But, looking at the baby girl, her smile felt familiar. Well, not only her smile, but her facial features too. They felt familiar.

Way too familiar.


4 year old Yoona smiled at the mirror, admiring her beautiful features as just some minutes ago a boy her age told her she was beautiful while playing in the park.

7 year old Jungkook came from behind her and hugged her tightly, making both the kids burst in laughter.

"Kookie" Yoona cutely mumbled.

"Yes cupcake?" he responded, pinching her cute nose.

"Your smile is very pretty. When you smile you look like a bunny" she said, and she proudly watched the tip of his ears become red.

"Your smile is very pretty too, cupcake" he said, wanting to compliment his sister too, as he himself thought her smile was prettier.

"True, but it's not like yours. I don't have a bunny smile, I have a gummy smile. Why, Kookie?" she pouted.

Jungkook frowned for a moment and bit his lip, avoiding her gaze. This action came as weird to little Yoona.

"I don't know. Maybe our great grandma or grandpa had gummy smiles and you inherited it from them" Jungkook shrugged, hugging her tighter.


Yoona's hands started shivering, with the photo in her hands.

She looked at old photos of her great grandparents, and none of them had gummy smiles, but she always shrugged it off. Now that there was a possibility she was adopted, she thought of everything.

"W-why does my smile look so similar to h-his?" she stuttered as she whispered to herself, shivering.

Yoona put the photo back in the drawer where she found it, knowing that if she kept it in her hands for longer, she would drop it and she didn't want to risk breaking it or damaging it.

"You okay?"

Flinching, Yoona looked up only to be met with a worried Yoongi. She was so out of it she hadn't even heard him enter.

"I'm okay, sorry for intruding into your office when you weren't here. I wanted to talk to you but I'm not feeling so well. Can we talk later?" she said, brushing past him and getting out with heavy breaths.

Four pairs of eyes looked at her as she closed the door behind her.

"Yoona, you okay?" Jaemin, who had also come to check on Yoona after class, asked.

Her silence gave them the answer they were seeking.

Jeno, the other one who had come to check on her after class as he was worried, approached her dramatically.

"Did you find nude pics of you in his office? Is that why you're so shaken? Do I need to break his-"

His speech was cut off by Yoona chuckling.

"No Jeno, I didn't find nude pics of myself in there, no need to break his face" she said, shrugging him off.

"Then did you find nude pics of him?" Jaemin asked, approaching her from her other side.

"YO WHAT THE FUCK?! I DIDN'T FIND ANY NUDES IN THERE! WHY WOULD YOU EVEN THINK THAT?!" Yoona yelled at the top of her lungs. Apparently, she forgot they were still in the hallways and many students looked at her weirdly.

Jeno, Jaemin, Han and Sunwoo burst in laughter, and soon Yoona joined. Then she excused herself to the boys and ran to check up on Yeji.

"Mission complete" the boys cheered each other up after she left, since they had managed to make her smile despite her shaken up state.

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