Chapter 20

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Yoona happily made her way inside Yoongi's office, the face Mr. Choi had made when she gave him the permission to leave class still vivid in her mind. The man was shocked.

"Yoongi you're the best~" she said in a sing song voice, taking a seat in front of him as he pretended to not like her compliment.

"So, are you proud of getting a professor to help you ditch class?" Yoongi asked ironically.

"More than ever. Are you proud for helping me for the first time?" Yoona responded, grinning.

"Don't even think I'll help you ever again" Yoongi basically growled, harshly grabbing a notebook where he kept a dozen of songs he had written in his young days.

He put the notebook on his lap, took the guitar in his hands and then his fingers started doing magic. Yoona stared at him, admiring the way his fingers moved the chords of the guitar, the way the music basically flowed through his veins, the way he bobbed his head according to the rhythm, the delicacy with which he played every single note, as if running his fingers through his lover's hair.

"If you didn't have your arm broken, I'd have offered to teach you how to play the guitar, but guess it will have to wait for later" Yoongi said, switching from a song to another.

"I'd have told you to wait until the summer vacation starts" Yoona shrugged, staring dreamily at the guitar in his hands and imagining her hands holding it, playing music.


Yeji and Jungkook tiptoed through the halls, holding hands as they made sure they were avoiding all the cameras. They had managed to walk past the janitor without getting noticed and they didn't have to worry about professors as classes had started and running into one in the halls seemed highly unlikely.

With Jungkook leading the way, the couple went out of the campus and was greeted by its beautiful garden. It was even more beautiful than usual because it was empty, just for the two of them.

First they stopped near the flowers which their seniors had planted years and years ago, and all the students had to take care of. The couple stopped near the roses, which were Yeji's favorite flowers.

"Shall I pluck one of them for you?" Jungkook smiled, admiring Yeji's side profile while she admired the pretty roses.

"No, it would mean killing that flower, so no. I prefer just admiring them from here. If you ever think of gifting me flowers, gift them together with their pot" Yeji said, grazing the soft petals with her delicate fingers, careful to not touch any thorn.

"You do know you're too good for this world, right?" Jungkook said, staring at her, dazed.

"Too good for every single person on this world" he added, hugging her from behind and putting his chin on the top of her head.

Too good even for me...

"Is that why you don't like me talking to anybody else other than you and your sister?" she mumbled softly, not turning to look at him.

They both fell in silence for a minute, neither awkward or calming. And then they both sighed.

"I know my jealousy is a bit too much sometimes, but I just can't help myself... you're so pretty, so smart, so kind that I hate people even looking at you. I hate sharing what's mine" he mumbled, hugging her tighter.

A bit, huh?

"Just... try not to show it as much" Yeji said, grasping his hands which were resting at her abdomen with her smaller ones.

"I'll try. I promise" he softly said, making Yeji smile widely.

"Where shall we go now?" then Jungkook asked, and Yeji thought for a moment.

"Let's go to the pond!" she exclaimed, grabbing his hand and running to the said destination, dragging him along.

They both arrived at the beautiful pond seconds later and sat in front of it, Yeji resting her head at Jungkook's shoulder. A peaceful silence surrounded them as they watched the white lotus flowers stand above the water and a mother duck teaching its ducklings how to swim.

*at the painting class

The students huffed, bored as the professor had told them there wasn't a specific topic they would be discussing that day. The professor was already in a bad mood with Yoona getting permission to not attend class that day and he was taking it out on them, telling them to just find a muse and paint whatever they wanted.

One of the students glanced out of the window, planning to use the pond as his muse when he noticed something which made him gasp.

"Everybody, look at the pond!" the student exclaimed, and everybody, even the professor looked out of the windows.

"So romantic..." another student exclaimed, dreamily looking at the couple which was staring at the beautiful pond in front of them. The students couldn't see who they were, all they could notice was the girl putting her head on the boy's shoulder.

"What's romantic about two rascals ditching class for a date in the campus' garden?!" the professor yelled angrily, taking out his phone to call the security guard to take the two students to detention.

"Mr. Choi, wait!" a girl exclaimed, making the professor halt.

"What if we use that couple as muses for today?" she asked, and everybody nodded in agreement. The professor pondered over it for a few moments and then nodded half-heartedly, while the students began painting.

*time skip to the end of the class

Jungkook and Yeji sneaked inside the campus just as the first class had finished, resulting in finding the halls full of students, which made them getting in much easier. As they walked, they came across Mr. Choi, the painting professor, which was carrying a dozen of canvases with him.

"Do you need help, Mr. Choi?" they both asked, already taking most of the canvases from the professor's hands without waiting for an answer.

The professor was thankful to have the two students help him until he arrived to his office, and then they put all of the canvases on the top of the professor's table.

"What are these, Mr. Choi?" Jungkook asked curiously.

"We had a free lesson today, so I told the students to choose a muse of their own free will and paint. They saw a couple ditching class and looking at the pond and unanimously chose them as their muses, so all of them painted that couple" Mr. Choi shrugged, letting Jungkook and Yeji look through the paintings while he was looking at some documents.

Yeji and Jungkook held in their gasps as they saw themselves painted, and to be honest, there were a few paintings which were really beautiful.

"Have you given them grades for these, Mr. Choi?" Yeji asked.

"Not for most of them" the professor said.

"What about this?" Yeji lifted one of the painings, which she liked the most.

"Yes, I've already given a grade to the student who painted that" the professor said.

"Then can we take it?" Jungkook asked, looking at the professor dryly in the eye.

When realization hit the professor, he was more than shocked to realize the 'ditching class' couple were the two students in front of him and he held the insults coming to his tongue, expressing them with his eyes. And then he poked his inner cheek with his tongue in frustration.

"Take it" and then he dismissed the two squealing students out of his office.

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