Chapter 8

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"Don't take it very seriously, hun. For all you know, that perv could be that old hag at the convenience store which always tried to hit on you, that's why it sounded familiar. Don't think much about it"

Yeji's words echoed on Yoona's ears as she dropped her bag on a couch. Jungkook didn't know any of this as she decided not to tell him about the incident, but she needed to go out again.

She wasn't such a good actress and if she didn't calm her mind down, he would surely notice her being all moody.

"Kookie, how are you doing?" she peeked at his room, only to find his bed empty.

"I'm better and I'm showering now" Jungkook screamed from the bathroom.

"Okay then, Kookie I'll go out for a bit, don't worry about me" she said and waited for a response from him.

"Okay, don't be late though, I'll cook lunch and I want you to be here on time" he said, and Yoona nodded in response even though he couldn't see her do so.


And with that, she went out.

As she got out of her apartment building, she let out a breath she didn't know was holding and sighed.

"I only have a little time to calm down, what do I do?" Yoona wondered aloud.

She let her feet decide where to take her to. And a few minutes later, she found herself in the very same park she had been last night, at the very same bench. Unfortunately for her, it was already occupied, so she just started walking around.

Smiling kids playing around, a few couples walking hand in hand, a group of teenagers having fun in their bikes, some parents with their children and a few elders playing chess in a corner layed in front of her.

Oh, a boy a few years older than her freestyling in a corner catched her attention more than anything.

As she got nearer, she started admiring his sharp movements and his awesome style,as his body moved along the hip-hop beat. She hadn't seen such talent even at uni, and she was more than impressed.

As she started clapping softly, the boy stopped dancing and his small audience consisting of toddlers groaned in choir.

"Dude, you got some moves" Yoona said.

"Thanks, why do I smell a fellow dancer in you though?" the boy said with a smirk.

"Your sense of smell is rather impressing" Yoona grinned in response and the boy with a simple motion of his hands invited her to join him in a dance battle.

"Gladly" Yoona said, mentally praising herself for choosing to wear comfortable clothes before getting out.

As the music started, Yoona felt challenged as it was the first time for her to participate in a dance battle by dancing to hip-hop, but she loved the feeling. As her excitement became bigger, her body was flowing like it was one with the music. The boy couldn't help but clap at her with his eyes and mouth wide open, and the toddlers around them also mirrored his actions.

After about two minutes, she felt like she had to stop and leave the center of attention to the boy, so she opened her eyes which had stayed closed throughout the whole thing and smiled at the sight of her small audience looking at her with admiration.

"Your turn now" she grinned, and the boy closed his mouth which was still opened and took her place in the center. The toddlers started bouncing excitedly.

Yoona was once again shocked, and maybe for the first time in her life, she felt like she didn't deserve winning. So she totally forgot about the 'supposed' challenge and just stayed admiring the boy, whose name she didn't even know.

This guy has to be a professional dancer for sure...

As he was done with his dancing, the booming sound of applause erupting from the children made her realize he had won.

"Don't be sad noona, you also did well" she heard a voice say, and as she looked down, she saw a little boy not more than three years old clutch at her leg with one hand while with the other he extended her a lollipop.

"I'm not sad, I'm happy I found such a good dancer like him. And thank you for the lollipop, young man" she said with a grin, crouching down at his level to ruffle his hair.

Putting the lollipop in her mouth, she sent another smile to the boy before he went off to play with his friends, leaving her and the dancer boy alone.

"You're a nice dancer, are you a professional one?" the boy asked, and she shook her head no as they started to walk side by side.

"I'm just a student, and I also take dance lessons at uni, but I do plan on majoring in dance. I'm Yoona by the way" she grinned, extending her hand for a handshake.

"And I'm Hoseok. You're probably thinking I'm a professional dancer right now, but I'm not. I'm just an underground dancer, which really loves dancing" he said, shaking her hand excitedly.

"And I can say that you have a very promising future as a dancer" he added, still not letting go of her hand.

"Thank you, senior" she said shyly, and he got flustered.

"Don't call me senior, I haven't even studied dancing properly, I'm just dancing because it's my passion" Hoseok said while scratching his nape.

"Well, you're becoming my teacher, so might as well call you senior and not by your name" Yoona said, and the grin on her face started looking creepy to Hoseok.

"And what exactly do you mean by teacher...?"

"Means I look forward to more dance battles in the future, and you won't always be the winner" she grinned, extending her hand for another handshake.

"See ya in a week then, at this park, at this time. Let's challenge each other again and again, until you beat me. Deal?" Hoseok said.


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