Chapter 23

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Yeji gently dabbed with a napkin Jungkook's bleeding knuckles, hisses coming from him every time the napkin came in contact with his skin. Yeji blinked her eyes repeatedly, trying to hold the tears in. She didn't want to cry while being outside, especially being in a park with a lot other people as well.

"Was it necessary?" she asked, voice low as she felt drained from all her energy.

"What was necessary?" Jungkook asked back, oblivious to what she meant.

"Beating that guy to pulp" she hissed, pressing the napkin hard on his knuckle and making him flinch.

"Heck, he passed out and we left him bleeding in that alley, lucky him someone found him and called the ambulance. Don't you feel the slightest bit sorry for what we did? Because I surely do" Yeji said, fighting back tears.

"You didn't do anything. I beat him up and you only tried to stop me. It's not your fault for not being able to do so. As for me, I don't feel sorry. He shouldn't have messed with you, he should have backed out when you told him you had a boyfriend. He just got what he deserved" Jungkook shrugged, his poker face and his words shocking Yeji.

"Are you serious Jungkook?! That guy could be in a bad condition now because of us! I know what he did is bad, but beating him up like that is too much" Yeji said, leaving the napkin aside.

Jungkook, huh?

You're not calling me Kookie?

"Don't drag yourself as well into this, if that guy decides to sue me when he wakes up, I'll be the only one he sues, because you didn't do anything, I did" Jungkook said, not understanding what got her so hyperventilated.

"THAT'S THE PROBLEM JUNGKOOK, I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING! YOU DID ALL THAT IN FROM OF ME AND I COULDN'T EVEN STOP Y-" Jungkook rushed to get up and close her mouth, once she started screaming and the people around turned their heads.

"I didn't even call the ambulance on the spot because I was afraid you'd get into trouble" she whispered, not being able to hold her tears anymore as she let them slide down her cheeks. Jungkook immediately wiped them off with his thumb and then pulled her in a hug, burying her head in his chest.

"Don't cry princess, I promise that guy'll be okay, don't worry" he whispered in a sweet voice, and her sobs started to die down.

She really is too good for this world...

She is even worrying for a scumbag who sexually harassed her...

She's too naive I'm afraid she'll end up getting hurt or used someday if I don't protect her...

"Kookie?" Yeji said after she stopped crying completely.

"Yes princess"

"The look in your eyes was so scary back then. You'll never look at me that way, right? You'll never hurt me" Yeji mumbled in his chest.

"I'll never do that, princess. I promise"


Jungkook and Yeji let go of each other and looked to where the voice came from, being greeted by Yoona and a friend of hers.

"What are you guys doing here? Oh my god Yeji, why did you cry? Something bad happened? Why didn't you tell me?" Yoona said all in one breath.

"We were talking. Princess was crying because she got her hand hurt. She tripped, that's what happened. It just happened and I was more concerned to give princess the first aid than let you know" Jungkook said all in one breath as well, while Yeji only nodded, understanding that Jungkook didn't want Yoona to find out about the incident.

"Mind telling me who your friend is? He sure does look familiar" Jungkook said, raising a brow at his younger sister and her familiar looking friend.

"Wait a minute, aren't you Jimin's friend from the performance day?" Yeji asked, eyes wide. Taehyung and Yoona nodded at the same time, and just that moment, Yeji noticed a cute ball of fur near Yoona's legs, looking at her curiously.

"Hello little cutie" she said, immediately crouching down in front of the dog and petting it tenderly. Yeontan happily barked.

"And mind you, he's also our neighbor Kookie. He lives just two floors below us" Yoona said, brow raised as to how come Jungkook wouldn't even know his neighbor from a long time.

Well, to be honest I also got to know him only recently...

Guess we both brother and sister are not really good with neighbors...

Yoona mentally chuckled at her thought before grabbing both of the guys' hands and meeting them.

"Kookie, this is Taehyung, our neighbor. Taehyung, this is Jungkook, my older brother" Yoona did a quick introduction before forcing their hands together and shaking them.

"Nice to meet you" they both said simultaneously, flashing each other a smile.

One smile fake and one smile real.

"Okay then, Yoona, I gotta leave Yeji at her home, we better get going. Have fun with Taehyung" Jungkook said, before grabbing Yeji's hand and walking away.

*time skip

After seeing Yeji enter her home, Jungkook waited for a good five minutes before walking away, his conversation with her playing in his head on loop.

"Don't drag yourself as well into this, if that guy decides to sue me when he wakes up, I'll be the only one he sues, because you didn't do anything"

"What if the guy really sues me? I'll get in trouble..." Jungkook wondered aloud, hands in his pockets as he rummaged through his memories for something.

The hospital logo he saw on the ambulance.

He smirked once he remembered it and fastened his footsteps, a plan already in his mind.

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