Chapter 25

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Yoona walked around the halls to her next class, having left Yeji and Jungkook alone. She hadn't asked Jungkook about his bruised knuckles and wasn't intending to do so, because if he wanted to tell her, he would have already.

I'll just ask Yeji later...

Passing by Yoongi's office, she found the man there, in deep thinking. He looked sad and Yoona, being the nosy girl she is, immediately entered his office, closing the door behind her for a little privacy, just in case the professor abruptly started crying.

"What happened Yoongi? Had a nightmare or something?" she queried, arms folded as she went near him. In normal cases, she would have gone directly for a hug, but he was her professor.

They had gotten close as friends without much care about the positions they were in, but lately Yoona had started to become conscious. She knew Yoongi would never look at her for something more than friends, he himself had admitted to seeing her as his younger sister, but how did their friendship look in the outside?

Just a few days ago, Felix had pulled her aside, asking whether she was in an affair with the professor. Yoona had choked on air before denying the fact. Felix seemed to believe her, but he advised her to not get so close, rumors could start around the campus and it would have a bad impact on both her and Yoongi.

So she hesitated to hug him that moment, and just asked him what was wrong.

"Today is the death anniversary of my parents..." he said, eyes devoid of any emotion.

Your sister's too...

That's what Yoona wanted to say, but refrained from doing so. Whenever they happened to talk about Yoongi's family, he never thought about his sister being dead, actually, he firmly believed that his sister was alive, somewhere, and he was sure he would run into her someday.

After knowing how the car accident had happened, she didn't agree with Yoongi and she always tried to tell him that the chances of his sister being alive were really low, but that day wasn't the right day to tell him that. He could burst out crying and she didn't want to have to hug him or anything, she wanted to create a safe distance.

Not that Yoona didn't care about Yoongi, it was just that she cared about her future more. If a rumor about her having an affair with Yoongi spread around the campus, it would be the end of her and she didn't want that.

"I see, well, buy a bouquet of flowers and pay a visit to their tombs, what else can you do? Maybe you can donate some money to a charity in their name" she said, shrugging as she patted his shoulder comfortingly.

"I miss her..." he whispered, blinking his tears away.

"Who? Your mom?" Yoona asked, oblivious.

"My sister" he said, hugging her tightly out of the blue.

She was caught off guard by his action and tried to shake him off gently, but the man didn't budge. She patted his back a couple of times, but he still didn't let go and she was starting to feel uncomfortable. Meanwhile Yoongi would just tighten his arms around her as if she was his real sister and he would lose her if let go.

"Yoongi, I know you miss her and I remind you of her and now you need some comfort, but I have classes now, I need to go" Yoona tried reasoning with him, but the man still didn't budge, acting as if he hadn't heard anything what she said.

"Hello Mr. Min, Mr. Lee sent me to take a few papers he had forgotten here, m-" Jungkook's words were stuck in his throat when he saw Yoongi hugging his sister tight, while the girl looked really uncomfortable.

"Get your fucking arms off her" Jungkook growled, slapping his hands off Yoona harshly and then gently taking her behind him.

"What the fuck do you think you were doing?" Jungkook growled again at Yoongi, while Yoona had to hold him back or else he was ready to beat Yoongi up right then and there.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know what I was doing..." Yoongi trailed off, his eyes unfocused as he looked like he didn't even know where he was.

"If you're high on drugs then don't fucking come here anymore, scum" Jungkook growled, grabbing Yoona's wrist with one hand and the papers he had come for with the other.

As they got out, Jungkook stopped walking and turned to look at Yoona, his eyes showing worry.

"Didn't you use foul language at him? You might get in trouble" Yoona said, frowning.

"He wouldn't dare bring that up as a problem, cause he knows damn well that if he brings that up, I'll also bring what he did up and his career will be over" Jungkook fumed, and Yoona caressed his hair softly, knowing that he was too angry and that action would help him calm down.

"It's okay bro, no need to go that far, I'll just maintain my distance from now on with him, and you needn't bring that up anytime. I'm sure he didn't mean to, he just was having a bad day and needed someone to talk to" Yoona tried buttering Jungkook up.

"He should find himself a friend then, just because he's had a bad day that doesn't mean he can just hug you, his student out of the blue like that, especially if you were feeling uncomfortable" Jungkook frowned, running his hand through her hair softly.

"Just try not to be alone with him from now on, I don't trust him with you" Jungkook said, and Yoona nodded silently.

"Go to your class now, or you'll get late" he said, and she immediately ran off.

After Yoona left, Jungkook pinched his nose in frustration, while going to send the papers he had taken to the professor who had asked for them.

"I have to do something about that Yoongi guy, he's crossing the line..."

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