Chapter 6

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A yawn escaped Yoona's mouth as she placed her phone on her nightstand. She usually wouldn't put her phone on airplane mode, but Yeji freaking out on her chat and spamming her with texts was something Yoona couldn't bear with.

Well, Yeji wasn't the type to freak out, but after she got to know Jungkook had her number and texted her, she totally lost it.

"Damn, Yeji, he only said hello, it's not like he asked your hand in marriage..." Yoona sighed before another yawn escaped her mouth.

It was still pretty early, only 7 pm, but the day had been so hectic that she didn't have any energy left in her body and just wanted to sleep, so she closed her eyes without even bothering to let Jungkook know not to cook dinner for two.

*time skip

Yoona's eyes fluttered open and she shivered, mentally cursing at herself for not going under the sheets before falling asleep. She was freezing.

As she got up, she grabbed an extra hoodie and wore it. After that, she grabbed her phone, and the time was past 2 am. As she turned off the airplane mode, she saw 32 new messages from Yeji and she didn't even bother to read them.

Putting her phone in her hoodie pocket, she went downstairs to the kitchen, a good smell attacking her nose. As she got inside, she saw a meal on the table, alongside with it was a handwritten note.

Cupcake, I assumed you fell asleep after you didn't come downstairs to eat at dinner time, so I didn't come to check on you. Eat this, it's something light since probably you'll see this around 2 am... Luv u, from kookie

Yoona smiled at the note and started eating the ramen after warming it up at the microwave, something which her dear brother never dared to use himself.

After she was done eating, she put her hood on, put on a pair of sneakers and went outside for a walk in the night.

"The stars are shining bright tonight and the moon is full. Nice" she smiled as she walked slowly and silently, the chilly breeze of the night hitting against her cheeks and making them pink.

After a few minutes, she arrived at the park near her house and layed on one of the benchs there, staring at the beautiful sky above her. Dazed, she enjoyed the feeling of novalunosis taking over her and a beautiful smile took over her face.

She loved starry nights.

She was that dazed that she almost missed the faint sound of leaves abruptly rustling nearby.

She turned her head to the sound the direction came from, hoping to see a stray cat or dog, but she was met with nothing. Shrugging it off, she again turned to look at the sky, which had started to become a lighter shade by then.

"Looks like I need to go" she sighed, getting up from the bench and then she started walking home.

She would have put her earphones on, but the faint sound of footsteps behind her prevented her from doing so.

She didn't change her pace to not let the person following her understand anything and remembered clearly the taekwondo classes she had taken that summer. Briefly checking her pockets, she mentally sighed in relief as she realized she had brought her pepper spray along.

Purposely, she kept changing her direction, going from one alley to another, and the sound of footsteps never left her. As she entered one last alley, she smirked as she knew it was a dead end and no light, neither from the stars nor the moon could enter it.

She positioned herself at the side, and held her breath, using her sharp hearing to detect where her stalker was by the faint sound of their footsteps.

When she knew the person was right next to her, she raised her hand and sprayed him with her pepper spray, and a muffled groan came out of the man, making her realise that he was wearing either a mask or a scarf.

Whatever, I'm not interested into this bastard's identity...

I just want to beat him up...

And with that, she continued on hitting the man wherever she could, mostly in the ribs, careful to not break any rib or something else as she didn't want any problems later with the police. From what she had seen on social media and news, these bastards could go as far as sueing their stalking victims if they turned out to be stronger than they thought and fight back.

After a few minutes, she glanced up at the sky only to see it was even brighter than before and mentally cursed, knowing that if she wasted any more time beating up a sick perv bastard, her brother would wake up and realize his dear sister wasn't home. That was the last thing she wanted.

"Don't you dare do this kind of thing ever again, you perv" she growled, walking off.

Opening the door of her house ever so silently, she tiptoed her way to her bedroom even though she knew her brother was a heavy sleeper. Passing by  Jungkook's room, the door was closed, which wasn't something very likely for Jungkook to do, but she shrugged it off.

At least for a night I'll sleep unbothered by his super loud snores...

And then she layed down on her bed to sleep for a couple of hours until her morning alarm would wake her up for uni.

Author's note

Novalunosis- the state of relaxation and wonderment while gazing upon the stars at night

Just stopped by to explain this in case you didn't understand the word, it's a word I stumbled upon scrolling on pinterest and thought I could use it in the story.

Anyway, that's it from me, bye 👋💜

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