Chapter 14

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Yoona's screams echoed through the whole hospital, making it easier for Jungkook to find her. He had tried calling her for a long time, and when she was finally reachable, she declined his call. Than about twenty minutes later, their family doctor calls him to come to the hospital. To say he was dead worried was an understatement.

So when he saw Yoona with tears in her eyes as two nurses were trying to scan her arm, his heart clenched and he ran to hold her other hand reassuringly.

"Cupcake, Kookie is here for you, don't cry" he said, and Yoona instantly felt better. Than the two nurses went on with their job, mentally thanking Jungkook for calming Yoona down.

"Doc, what happened? Is my sister okay?" Jungkook asked as soon as their family doctor came in sight.

"Well, I don't know exactly yet. I was just about to close my shift when I heard a familiar cry. I turn my head and what do I see? Our little Yoona holding her broken-looking arm. The nurses ran some tests on her and now I'll put on her a cast, it looks pretty serious" the doctor said, and he immediately started his work after signalling Jungkook to hold Yoona's other hand.

"This will hurt a little bit"


*time skip after Yoona's cast was put on

"Ugh, you said it will hurt only a little bit doc" Yoona pouted, holding her tears in as she didn't want to cry like a baby anymore, especially when she wasn't alone with Jungkook.

"Well, it's a cast Yoona, your arm is broken, what did you expect?" the doctor calmly said. After that, he grabbed a colorful box nearby and put it on Yoona's lap.

"You have some colorful pencils inside that box, use them to draw or write something on your cast. It is proven to be really helpful with the stress one gets after breaking their arm suddenly" the doctor said, and Yoona smiled brightly, the pain on her arm being totally forgotten about.

"Why does that box look a little bit childish though?" Jungkook whispered to their doctor after taking him aside.

"That's because I brought it from the pediatric department" the doctor said, making Jungkook chuckle softly. The doctor was the closest thing to parent figure the siblings had ever since their parents died. Ever since they remembered, their parents always brought them to the same doctor, for each vaccine and everytime they had a fever, so now that doctor knew them very well. He also knew how childish Yoona could get and how protective Jungkook could get over her.

"Now can you please tell me why exactly you left home this late at night? And how the heck did you break your arm?" Jungkook asked, hands on his hips and brow raised, while the doctor silently enjoyed the show from the side.

"Well, as you know, I have difficulties with sleep from time to time. When that happens, I like to go out for a walk. The same happened tonight too, but instead of walking, I took your bike" That moment Jungkook raised his brow more, and Yoona could hear his voice loudly in the back of her head, telling her that she can't take his bike away without permission.

"Go on with your story, I need to hear it as well" Namjoon popped out of nowhere, making them all flinch at his abrupt appearance.

"After cycling around the city for a while, I happened to pass by the amusement park and long story short, I decided to have a little trip inside, or better say, ghost hunting. As I was passing by the haunted house, I heard a few noises and when I got a closer look, I saw the men in the video I sent you, Namjoon. The guns in their belts scared me, but I decided to film them so I could give the video to you and help you with the investigation you'd start on them. Then Jungkook calls me, and they heard the ringtone. I immediately ran away and they started chasing me, but since I'm a very fast runner, I lost them. While running, I tripped over myself and you can see the result" she said, showing her casted arm once again as if they couldn't see it already.

"Did they see you? Is there any chance they followed you here?" Namjoon asked, while Jungkook almost got a heart attack because of the story.

"No, they didn't see me. Neither my face, my hair or the fact that I am a girl. They just knew someone was watching them but didn't see who. And they haven't followed me, because I let them go to the opposite direction before getting out of my hiding spot and coming here" Yoona said, and upon noticing she was done with the story, Jungkook wasted no time to hug her tightly.

"Okay Yoona. Thank you for your cooperation and doing your duty as a civilian, but I advice you to not act on your own next time. It would be better if you immediately called the police before filming them. Anyway, I'm glad you're safe and sound, now I have to go. The investigation has already started, and I've got tons of work to do. Your video is a big help, so remind me to treat you to dinner sometime. Bye" and with that, Namjoon left.

"Okay young miss, from now on, you're prohibited from going out alone at night. And I know you'll try to sneak out again, so from now on we're sleeping together, in the same room so you can't go out" Jungkook said sternly, leaving no room for Yoona to oppose him.

Right that moment, a nurse came with a few tests on her hand and giving them to the doctor. He scanned them for a few minutes and then turned to look at the siblings, which were in an adorable position. Yoona had fallen asleep on Jungkook's shoulder and he was hugging her close to his body, as if he would forever lose her the moment he let go.

"It's not as bad as I expected, she can remove the cast in three weeks" the doctor said, a soft smile on his face and he was delighted to see Jungkook's adorable bunny smile upon getting the news.

"But there's something weird though" the doctor said, looking at another test he ran on Yoona just in case.

"What is it?" Jungkook asked curiously, careful to not wake Yoona up.

"Her blood type is O, but if my memory doesn't betray me, you and both your parents have the blood type A. Where did her blood type come from?" the doctor said, raising a brow suspiciously.

"Oh, that's true, but our grandma had her blood type O. Maybe Yoona took it from her, you better than anyone know it's possible to get your grandparents' blood type instead of your parents' type" Jungkook said with a chuckle.

The doctor tried so hard not to find it suspicious, but he did anyway.

"Okay then, I'll take my leave now, you can spend the night here and then you're free to leave" the doctor said, offering Jungkook a smile before bidding him goodnight.

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