Chapter 37

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Kookie <3
Cupcake, are we going home

No Kookie, I'll go with Yeji
It's better you don't come with us

Yoona sighed, putting her phone back in her pocket as she made her way out of the campus with Yeji by her side. The girl looked slightly better than she did in the morning, uni actually helping in cheering her up.

"How was your day, honey?" Yoona asked Yeji, not having talked to her the whole day as she figured out the girl needed some time alone.

"A normal day at uni" the latter shrugged, not looking at Yoona in the eyes.

"Are we upset? Why are you not looking at me in the eye?" Yoona queried, hands crossed. The two would always look at each other while talking, unless they argued. But that time they hadn't argued, so she was surprised.

"We're not upset, it's just that when I look at you, I'm reminded of your brother and I don't want to think about him" Yeji shrugged, a cold expression on her face.

"I didn't treat you like this when Hyunjin died, even though you reminded me of him every time I looked at you" Yoona said, tears welling up in her eyes.

Yeji flinched, not expecting her deceased brother to be brought in the topic.

"I'm sorry hun, I don't want it to seem like we're drifting apart because of your idiot brother, but I need some time. Please understand me" Yeji looked down at her feet, pretending to feel guilty about asking for some time alone when in fact she was totally numb and didn't feel anything.

"What do I tell him? That it's over?" Yoona asked, not even bothering to look at her best friend. Something felt weird about the latter's vibe, and she was feeling uncomfortable.

"Yep" Yeji said, nodding slightly. They had arrived at the place where the two girls always parted ways to go to their specific homes, and Yeji didn't even hug her best friend, instead she just went away without even bidding goodbye.

Why do I feel like you hate me as well for what my brother did?

Why do I feel like I'm losing yet another important person to me?

Was it such a mistake helping you two to get together?

Yoona blinked her tears away as she walked. The last thing she wanted was for her neighbors to see her crying and then go and tell Jungkook when they see him.

Just as she stepped foot in her apartment building, she was tackled by a bear hug, and a sweet scent of cologne.

"Hello" Taehyung's deep voice whispered in her ear, a light grin on his face.

Oh shit...

I forgot I told him I like him...

I'll have to play along now...

"Missed you" Yoona mumbled lazily, while Taehyung's heart fluttered.

"How was your day?" he asked, putting an arm over her shoulder as he walked her to her apartment.

"Weird. I swear my schoolmates either ate weird things when they were kids, or they do drugs. I'm not sure which" she shrugged, making Taehyung chuckle.

"I bet you're equally as weird as them" he said teasingly, while Yoona raised an eyebrow at him.

"Bold of you to assume I'm not weirder"

Taehyung laughed wholeheartedly at her words, and his infectious boxy smile made Yoona smile as well.

I don't really like him, but he's actually nice and he's helping me with my mood...

Not that bad...

"Tae, I'd love spending some time with you now, but I have things to do. Let's talk later" Yoona said with a sweet smile on her face. Taehyung pouted in response, and then Yoona pinched his cute puffy cheeks.

"Bye bye love" he waved at her with a sad smile, making Yoona chuckle at his childishness.

"Bye bye Tae"

Just as Yoona closed the door on his face, she silently screamed.

Okay I don't really like him, but heck he's handsome and cute as hell!!!

She immediately took out her phone and dialled someone.

Calling Hoseok <3...


"Hey Hoseok, are you free right now?"

'Yes I am'

"Can we meet up?"

'Sure. See ya at the park we always meet in half an hour'

"See ya"

And then Yoona hung up.

She really needed to vent at the moment, but she had no one to talk to. In normal cases, she'd call Yeji and talk to her for hours, but given the situation where Yeji doesn't really want to meet up with her left her no choice.

Jungkook wasn't even an option. If Yoona told him that their neighbor has feelings for her and she told him it's mutual even though it's not, then he'd totally lose it.

Taehyung wasn't really an option as well, she couldn't really go to him for comfort anymore, not at least now that he thinks they have something together he'd ask her a million questions.

So Hoseok was the only option left.

*time skip

"To sum up, he has feelings for me. I like his hugs and he's been there for me whenever I needed comfort. When he confessed to me, I was afraid that if I rejected him then he wouldn't comfort and hug me anymore, so I told him his feelings are mutual. What do I do?" Yoona asked him, barely holding herself back from hyperventilating in a public space with kids around such as the park they were in.

"Uh, I'm not exactly good with romantic situations Yoona, I've told you..." Hoseok said, scratching his nape in embarrassment.

"You're not supposed to actually respond to my questions Hoseok, just hear me out!" Yoona whisper-yelled at him,intending on shutting him up.

"Well you're in a situation where you do need advice, young miss" Hoseok sassily said, hands on his hips.

"Well enlighten me with your generous advice, my grace" Yoona ironically mumbled, making Hoseok snort.

"I think you should try actually giving a chance to the guy. Spend a lot of time with him and see how you feel around him. If he makes you feel even a slight bit good, then I think you should continue what you're doing. If he annoys the hell out of you, then just drop it" Hoseok said with a shrug.

"You're actually right" Yoona mumbled with a smile, high-fiving Hoseok.

"Thank you everything Hoseok, I'll treat you to something nice someday, I promise" she grinned, showing her pearly white teeth.

"Pinky promise?" he asked like a little child.

"Pinky promise"

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