Chapter 47

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Incoming call from Yoongi...

"Hello?" Yoona mumbled. She wasn't in the mood to deal with Yoongi, she just wanted to find out where Jungkook was, but she knew that if she didn't pick up his call, he'd just call her repeatedly and that'd give her a headache.

'Hey,my dear Yoona. How are you?'

"I'm good. Why did you call me?"

'I'd like to meet up with you, dear. The DNA test results are out now and I didn't want to tell you over the phone. Let's meet and I'll tell you face to face'

"Can it wait? I'm not exactly in my best state right now..." Yoona trailed off, totally not in the mood to deal with him. Just from the tone of his voice, she could guess the results and she didn't want to face that truth just yet. Not when there were all those things going on between her and Jungkook and Taehyung.

'No my dear, it can't wait. It's the truth of a lifetime we're talking about here, it's really important and we can't delay it any further. Let's just meet in an hour, I'll text you the address'

"Fine" Yoona grumbled, no energy to argue back whatsoever.

'See you later, dear' Yoongi said sweetly.

And Yoona just hung up the phone without saying it back.

"I don't have time for this..." she grumbled, massaging her aching forehead as she made her way to the kitchen to eat something.

*time skip

"Hello dear" Yoongi greeted the blonde sulking girl, his bright smile and pearly white teeth being worthy of a toothbrush commercial as the whole café lit up.

"Hi" she greeted back simply, sitting down in front of him without smiling at all. Yoongi felt like something was off, but decided not to push her for answers unless she herself decided to tell him.

"So, is there anything bothering you? You didn't sound well on the phone and you don't look well now that I see you either" Yoongi asked, concern written all over his face.

"Get straight to the point and tell me the results Yoongi, I'm not in the mood" Yoona grunted, planting her face right into the table.

Yoongi was totally caught off guard by her attitude, and he felt intimidated even, but he brushed it off, thinking it was probably that time of the month for the blonde. 

She really has taken from the family, being able to intimidate people that easily...

My dear lil sis really took after me...

Yoona was totally creeped out by Yoongi, as she had just talked rudely to him and he was staring at her with a proud smile on his face. When she realized he wasn't going to stop staring at her and tell the results, she simply snatched the envelope in the middle of the table and opened it, her eyes immediately spotting the answer.

Yoongi waited for some kind of reaction from his younger sister whom he had found after all these years, but her face was blank and eyes were expressionless even as she put the envelope down. Yoona said no word as she simply pushed her chair back and got up, ready to leave as she turned her back on him and almost made her way out.


"Yoona? Yoona, where are you going? Can you please say something? Please" Yoongi pleaded, grabbing her wrist softly to not hurt her. She tug it out of his grasp and waved him off with her other hand, letting him understand that she didn't want to talk about it in the moment.

"Okay, we can talk later. Your bedroom is ready, so pack up and you can move in whenever you want to or feel ready" he said with a confident smile on his face.

And who says I want to live with you?

That's what Yoona would have said out loud, but she knew if she said that, Yoongi would flip out and cause a scene, which she didn't want to happen. She just wanted to go home and wait for Jungkook, not fight with Yoongi in a random café. So she just walked away without answering.

Despite the sun shining bright in the sky, despite the warm gentle breeze hitting her cheeks, despite the soft laughter of children echoing around and the smell of flowers filling the air, Yoona felt cold, felt lonely, felt sad. She felt confused, trying to guess how big the amount of malice her past self had done in her life was for her present life to be destroyed like that.

What have I done to deserve this?

Why do I have to be separated from Jungkook, whom I love so dearly?

Why did I have to turn out adopted?

Why did Jungkook have to kill Hyunjin?

She almost got run over by a car twice, and a few random people passing by yelled at her to not be so reckless while walking on the street, but she couldn't care less, she could even die in that moment and she wouldn't even feel bad about herself. The only thing which kept her from actually throwing herself in the street was the thought that Jungkook, Taehyung and Hoseok would be devastated by her death. Her friends at school, like Felix and the other guys would also be sad. Their faces flashing through her mind made her walk more carefully and leave the depressing thoughts for when she got home.

Taehyung wasn't in the city that day, as he had a photoshoot as the model of a famous fashion brand in another city, so she didn't have him as a comfort option at the moment. And she just didn't feel like calling anyone else while waiting for Jungkook to come back.

As she arrived in front of her apartment door, she meekly pushed it open and walked inside like a sloth with absolutely no energy. Even walking until the couch by the living room's door so she would hear the sound of the front door opening was tiring to her, se when she actually reached the couch, she just plopped on it. After a few minutes of her burning holes into the front door with her eyes, the latters got tired and started fluttering close. She tried hard to stay awake, but sleep defeated her and she drifted off to dreamland.

*time skip

After sleeping for a few hours, the sound of the doorbell disturbed Yoona's sleep. She was so out of it, that she totally forgot the fact Jungkook had keys to the apartment and would never ring the bell, but she just ran to open the door with a big smile on her face.

"Kookie wh-" the smile froze on Yoona's lips as she realized the person on the other side of the door wasn't Jungkook, but an unknown man with broad shoulders, big plump lips and a very very handsome face.

"Good afternoon, I'm prosecutor Kim Seokjin and I'm looking for Jeon Jungkook. Is he home?" the man asked her calmly, giving her chills because of how professional his tone was.

"No, Jungkook went out in the morning and still hasn't come back. I haven't been able to reach him and I'm really worried. Why are you looking for him, Mr. Kim?" Yoona tilted her head in confusion.

"There's an arrest warrant for him, for attacking physically a police officer, and I've also brought police officers here who will search through your whole apartment. Since Jungkook isn't home, you're coming with me, Ms. Yoona"

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