Chapter 55

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It had been a few days since the get-together Yoona and her dancer friends had in the park. They had opened a group chat and got closer to each other ever since, and Yoona felt as if she was all over the place honestly, even if she enjoyed talking with them.

She had so many friends now, so many group chats as well, Yeji who was a whole new level, Yoongi who constantly wanted to spend time with her, Taehyung who also needed time with her as her boyfriend and let's not mention how worried she was about Jungkook.

He hadn't called. He hadn't messaged. There was absolutely no news from him, other than the conversation she overheard between Yoongi and Namjoon, where she got to know that they had actually tracked down his location but then hadn't found him there.

And above all, there was this sinister feeling she had had the last few days creeping inside her. She had no idea what it was, but her gut feeling kept telling her that something bad was about to happen. Something very bad.

And what worried her the most was the thought that this bad thing could happen to Jungkook. It was most likely to happen to him, since he was a runaway criminal. The police could find him, or he could get crashed by a car and he wouldn't even be able to go to the hospital since he didn't want to get caught.

She wanted to calm her mind down, but she had tried talking with many and it hadn't helped ease her. She had tried sleeping it away, but Hyunjin haunted her dreams, repeatedly telling her that how could she let Jungkook get away with killing him that brutally. So she had tried not to sleep that much these days.

The bags under her eyes were a strong evidence.

"You look like a ghost" Namjoon said, first thing he had uttered after she had opened the door for him. Yoongi wasn't home so she motioned the officer inside the living room, where a mystery thriller drama was waiting to be resumed by the remote control in the blonde girl's hands.

"You want popcorn?" she asked, already with a big bowl of it in her hands as she plopped down on the couch next to him.


"Then may I know why are you here? You sure as hell didn't come here to watch drama with me when your shift is still going on" Yoona said, raising her eyebrow at him suspiciously.

"I just wanted to talk to Yoongi, you know. He's helping me a lot with Jungkook's case and I had a few things to go over" Namjoon explained calmly.

"As far as I know, phones do exist these days"

"It wasn't something to be talked over the phone" Namjoon rolled his eyes.

"And why are you so secretive about it. Jungkook's my brother, you know"

Namjoon choked on air.

"Yoona, you do remember Yoongi is your biological brother and Jungkook's family just adopted you, right?"

Oh yeah...

My mouth slipped and I called Kookie my brother in front of him...

I bet he'll tell Yoongi now and he's gonna come after me with the 'I'm your brother' bullshit...

"I just meant it as my adoptive brother. I grew up with him, so it's natural I'm curious what is going on with his case. I'm sure wouldn't cost any money to tell me something about it"

Namjoon contemplated about it for a bit before he shrugged.

"Well, somehow we managed to track down his location and we were sure we'd find him there, but when we went the next day, planning to go and wish him a good morning with our cuffs, we didn't find him there. And there were no traces of him either so we have no idea where he could have gone to and we have to start the searching from the very beginning"

Now I have to pretend like I knew nothing about it already...

"Woah, why didn't you tell me sooner? This is such big news Namjoon?!!!" Yoona yelled, grabbing the dimpled officer by his collar and shaking him strongly. He didn't know how to reply, and honestly, he felt a little guilty for listening to Yoongi and not telling Yoona anything over the fear that she could sabotage their plan in some way. He knew Yoona, she wouldn't do that.

Or at least that's what he thought.

Yoona tried to hold in her smirk as she realized Namjoon knew Jungkook had called her but never mentioned it. She was smart enough to guess that they had tracked her phone and that was how they had found Jungkook too. And she felt like laughing as she also realized that Namjoon was putting his faith in her despite the fact he knew she had hidden the fact she had talked to Jungkook.

The ringing of the bell made the two jump over to the door, behind which there was Yoongi who had extra work to do after lessons at uni had ended.

"You two can continue chatting, I'll go to my room and take a nap" Yoona said, faking a yawn which convinced the two.

Yoongi and Namjoon made their way to the living room while Yoona opened the door of the bedroom and closed it again without entering it, so the guys would think she had gone in. Then, without making a sound, she took of her shoes and socks even and then walked back behind the living room door without them noticing.

"So, have you got anything yet?" Yoongi asked Namjoon while handing him a big glass of beer which the latter politely declined.

"I'm still in my shift hours and I have to go back to the station in a bit, I shouldn't drink"

"Okay our officer who follows every single rule on earth, written and unwritten" Yoongi grinned.

"Back in topic, I don't really know how to put it. We haven't found any trace of him around since he hasn't called Yoona again, but there is something" Namjoon mumbled, scratching his nape awkwardly.

"What is it?" Yoongi asked.

"Last night we found a corpse of a guy around his age. The corpse somehow resembles Jungkook's appearance, but nothing's sure yet. We're waiting for the forensics results" Namjoon said, while Yoongi choked on his beer.

"What do you mean, a corpse?"

"Last time I checked, the word corpse didn't have a second meaning besides the one we all know" Namjoon rolled his eyes.

While they kept talking, Yoona stopped breathing as tears flooded her eyes. Clutching her heart with her hands she tried to be as discreet as possible as she made her way to the bathroom, which had the door opened so she could go in easily.

Climbing to the window, she soundlessly opened it and crawled out, despite the fact that they were in the fifth floor. Thanking the countless hours of dancing in her life for making her hands and arms strong, she managed to crawl to the window the hallway of the apartment building had, then snuck inside and casually went out of the building, trying as hard as she could to hide the tears which flooded her eyes.

Hastily taking her phone out, she dialled Taehyung's number, as the only person that would comfort her without asking questions.

"Taehyung, are you free?" she choked out, words almost inaudible making the boy on the other line worry a lot.

"I'm coming over"

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