Chapter 24

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It was dinner and both Yoona and Jungkook sat down in front of the TV with a pizza box in their hands. Unexpectedly, Jungkook had demanded they watched the news, and Yoona was about to fall asleep from boredom.

Well, until the news anchor bid the viewers goodnight.

Immediately, Yoona got up and grabbed the remote control, while thinking what movie or drama they should watch. She turned to Jungkook to ask him, but the boy seemed deep in thought for some reason so she didn't bug him with questions and instead started searching for the movie she herself chose.

My plan worked...

The bastard really didn't have the balls to sue me...

Yoona narrowed her eyes at her brother, who suddenly smirked to himself, before elbowing him out of the blue. The poor boy groaned in pain.

"What the heck was that for?!" he asked, clutching his sore abdomen.

"That was for you to stop smirking, you were creeping me out with whatever dirty things you were thinking to yourself" she huffed playfully while motioning him to go to the kitchen and make popcorn.

*time skip

Yoona rested her head on Jungkook's shoulder, putting the big bowl of popcorn in between them so both of them could eat it while watching the movie. But she was the only one focused on the TV in front of them.

"Cupcake?" Jungkook whispered to her.

"Yes Kookie?" she whispered back.

"Who was that guy you were with at the park?"

"You seriously are aging fast bro, just today I told you he's our neighbor and yet you forgot about it, your memory loss is serious" she said, snickering.

"We both know I didn't mean to ask that" he huffed, rolling his eyes but Yoona couldn't see it.

"I certainly don't seem to know what you mean, care to enlighten me with your wise thoughts?" she sarcastically asked, grinning.

"I mean who is he to you, are you two in some sort of relationship, do you have some kind of feelings or anything else I need to know about?" Jungkook asked, not wanting to turn to look at her so she wouldn't see how worried he was for such a casual thing.

"There is something you need to know, actually" Yoona said, fiddling with her fingers, a habit she had whenever she had done something bad and was afraid to talk about it.

"What is it cupcake?" Jungkook asked worriedly.

"I'm pregnant with him" she said in a whisper, making Jungkook's heart stop beating.


Yoona bit her lips hard to prevent herself from laughing, tears forming in her eyes as to how easy her brother fell for her lie. Meanwhile when Jungkook noticed the tears, he felt petrified at the thought that Taehyung might have raped her.

Just as he was planning the most painful death for Taehyung, Yoona bursting in laughter interrupted his train of thought.

"Why are you laughing? This situation is anything but funny cupcake" he said in confusion while Yoona laughed even more, falling to the ground and clutching her stomach because of laughing too much.

"Be careful, you might hurt the baby" Jungkook said, rushing to pick her up while she laughed more, tears sliding down her cheeks at her brother's stupidity.

"Kookie, I was just kidding, I'm not pregnant. No need to hyperventilate" she said between laughters, while Jungkook was frozen in his place with Yoona in his arms.

"You mean, there is no baby in your tummy?" he asked like a little kid.

"No there isn't" she said, and immediately Jungkook dropped her on the ground.

"Oww, what was that for?" Yoona groaned from the floor, rubbing her sore butt.

"That was for making me worry like that you rascal, do you have any idea how worried I was for you?" he huffed, helping her up.

"But you have to admit it, I got you good there" Yoona smirked while Jungkook gave her a look, telling her that one more word would have her sleeping outside for the night.

"Seriously, is there anything going on between you and Taehyung?" he asked her,his serious tone making her understand he wanted a serious answer.

Just from seeing him with me, he seems to not have a good impression of Taehyung...

Also, he used to hate Hyunjin as well even before I started dating him...

It would be better if I told him there is nothing going on between me and Taehyung...

"Nothing, he just has a very cute dog who happens to love me, that's why you saw us together today. He was taking his dog out for a walk and the cute furry friend demanded for me to tag along" she said with a shrug, the lies rolling off her tongue ever so smoothly.

"Okay than, let's go back to watching the movie", Jungkook said, but when they turned their heads, the movie had already finished and the casts' names appeared on the screen. Yoona groaned.

"Let's call it a night then" she pouted, and made her way to Jungkook's bedroom with him tailing right behind her.

Ever since the day she broke her arm, every night she slept at Jungkook's bedroom, so the boy made sure she didn't sneak out again. Not that he would actually ever notice her sneaking out if she did, he was a very heavy sleeper.

She entered the sheets of the bed and Jungkook also did the same. They didn't mind sleeping in the same bed, they were used to cuddling each other to sleep when one had a nightmare as kids and they continued doing that even after they grew up.

Jungkook's eyes closed and soft snores started coming out of his mouth.

"My older bro looks like a cute little angel while sleeping" she grinned.

"But he certainly won't sound like one in a few minutes" she added, putting on a pair of ear plugs which blocked any kind of sound from the outside world. Right now Jungkook was snoring softly, but she knew that in a few minutes, he would sound like a car revving up and she didn't want the loud noise to burst her eardrums.

"Good night Kookie" she sleepily said, and than drifted off to Dreamland.

Once he was sure Yoona was asleep, Jungkook stopped snoring and opened his eyes, looking at his sister silently.

"You know cupcake, you are a very good liar, but you always seem to forget something" he whispered, knowing way too well that even if he screamed, she wouldn't hear.

"You always forget I know you so well, that I can tell whenever you're lying, no matter how good you are at it"

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