Chapter 13

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It was late at night, and after numerous tossing and turning around her bed, Yoona sighed, realizing that there was no sleep for her that night. She had fun with Yeontan the whole day, but other than that, she had done nothing to spend her energy, so she decided to take a walk outside.

Probably not the best idea, judging what happened last time she went for a walk at night, but she had nothing else to do.

Passing by their small storage room to grab the pepper spray, Jungkook's bike caught her eye and a glint of mischief appeared on her eyes.

Why not?

She grabbed it and slowly made her way out of the apartment and the building, before putting the bike down silently,as if Jungkook would hear her. Checking her phone, it was 1 am. She put it on airplane mode, hopped on the bike and went away.

"Seoul is truly pretty at night..." she said with a smile on her face as she passed by numerous streets. She didn't have to worry or hurry, so she made sure to visit every single part of Seoul. The streets were pretty much deserted and there were no people on the sidewalks. The only sound she could hear was the loud music coming from clubs, where young people her age were having a blast.

She cursed herself for not taking money with her or else she would have gone inside and danced for a while, maybe make a couple new friends as well. She never minded having people to talk to when she was bored out of her mind.

As she passed by the amusement park, she saw it was closed and the lights were off. Yeji would have found the atmosphere eerie and creepy, especially knowing the ghost stories about the place, but Yoona never believed in ghosts. A smirk appeared on her face as the thought of a little trip inside the now closed amusement park to prove Yeji ghosts don't exist wouldn't hurt much.

Yoona hurried to find a place nearby to hide her bike and then jumped over the fence surrounding the park, as far from the security camera as she could. The darkness of the night with only a few stars and the new moon gave only enough light for her to not trip over anything on the ground and nothing else, but she didn't mind. She liked the darkness.

Taking her phone out, she started filming using the night mode, which provided her with much better view than her own eyes. She planned on filming everything while going around there, and the next day she would do some touch ups on the video to creep Yeji out, like for example making a tree branch magically disappear right in front of the camera.

The poor girl won't dare to come to the amusement park once I send her this video...

She smirked at the thought as she started walking.

After passing near a few rides, Yoona started to get bored. Not a single noise was heard, not even the wind was blowing that night and no stray cat was there to keep her company. Also there was nothing she found creepy, and she was kind of... disappointed? It was as if she was hoping for a ghost to pop right in front of her.

Let me pass around the haunted house, and I can touch up that part of the video...

As Yoona made her way to the haunted house, her breath hitched. A few rustles were heard from inside and she could swear a light was on inside.

Isn't it supposed that the whole amusement park is closed now?

Why the heck there are still people here?

Curious, she stealthily made her way to the window where the light was coming from. As she only peeked her eyes at the window and kept the rest of her body and face hidden, a shiver ran down her spine.

No, she didn't see a ghost.

She saw four men, all in black and a few bags thrown in a corner of the room full of money. Guns on their belts as they counted a few diamonds on their hands which almost blinded her by reflecting the dim light of the room. The strong smell attacking her nostrils made her realize that the black plastic bag at their feet had drugs inside.

Instead of feeling scared for witnessing such a scene that could put her in danger, adrenaline rushed through her veins at the thought of filming these men in the act and giving this video to Namjoon. Maybe he didn't get a promotion because of her parents' mysterious murder, but a bunch of diamonds surely would give that promotion to him.

I'm lucky they don't have masks on...

Yoona zoomed in on their faces one by one, making sure the cops would have it easy to identify them. After filming enough, she stopped the video, removed the airplane mode and contemplated.

Should I call the cops and wait here until they come just in case they move and I need to notify them or do I just leave quietly and give this video to the cops?

Right that moment, the sound of her ringtone pierced through the air as Jungkook called her. She immediately declined it and got out of her hiding spot, running away while the alarmed men inside ran out of the haunted house.

Yoona thanked heavens for making her a fast runner as the men chasing her didn't even get a glimpse of her due to not being able to catch up to her running.

Because of running fast, she didn't see where she was going and tripped, falling to the ground with a thud and her right arm bearing the weight of her whole body in an awkward position. She tried so hard not to scream loudly and she could swear she heard a crack, but in the situation she was in there was no time to cry for her probably broken arm. Instead, she crawled behind a ride nearby while clutching her arm with all her might, the footsteps of the men growing near.

Yoona held in a sigh of relief when she noticed the men passing by her without noticing her and running to the opposite direction where her bike was located at.

After a few minutes, she got up and ran to her bike, which fortunately was still where she had placed it and got on it. Holding in her cries, she carefully tucked the hand of her broken arm inside her hoodie pocket as with the other hand she dialled Namjoon's number.

"Joon, sorry to call you this late at night, but right now I'll send you a video. Don't ask me how I got it, because at the moment I can't answer, but you can ask me tomorrow" Yoona said, hanging up on Namjoon and cycling to the nearest hospital.

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