Chapter 46

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After a few minutes of calming herself down so she wouldn't look like she had seen a ghost, Yoona scrambled to her feet and ran as fast as she could to Taehyung's apartment. The only thing she could think of that moment was the fact that Taehyung was in danger.

As she arrived in front of his door, she started banging loudly on it, for sure the neighbors would start complaining about the noise but she couldn't care less. The door was opened by a smiley Taehyung.

"Yoona? What are you doing here, love?" the boy asked, puzzled to see his girlfriend scared right in front of his doorstep.

"I saw a cockroach..." Yoona mumbled, not knowing what else to say and get away with her failed-to-hide feared expression. He chuckled softly, making way for his girlfriend to enter inside. She went straight to the living room, where she found Jungkook happily playing with Yeontan.

The blood which had once ran cold in her veins started flowing again once she realized that at least for the moment, Taehyung was safe. For later, she could just convince him to move out of the apartment complex and live somewhere else. Jungkook needn't know that.

"I see you're having fun without me..." Yoona said, an uneasy smile on her face.

"Yeah, we were discussing how much of an amazing girl you are and how we take care of you" Taehyung grinned, bringing his girlfriend a cold drink.

"I can take care of myself, you know. I know how to throw a couple of punches" she huffed playfully, pretending to feel hurt.

"You sure do..." Jungkook whispered, putting his hand over his ribs as he remembered the scorching pain he had felt when Yoona had mistaken him for a stalker and beat him up while he was just following her around to make sure nothing bad happened to her. She was walking around at 3 am after all and he couldn't help worrying. He never planned to tell her that, and he was lucky neither Yoona or Taehyung heard him say that.

"But still, you are precious for us and we want to make you as happy as possible. Wouldn't you also want your brother and boyfriend to get along well?" Taehyung reasoned, making Yoona mentally curse herself for not updating him on the changes in her life.

"Thank you for thinking so much about me, now we have to go Kookie" she said with a tight grin on her face, both the guys feeling something was off with the girl but deciding not to push her too much unless she told them herself.

Jungkook shook Taehyung's hand in a friendly way, despite wanting to just simply spit on his face. And worse, he had to hold himself back from flipping out while Taehyung and Yoona exchanged a loving hug. Honestly, he just wanted to know what kind of person Taehyung was before deciding what punishment he would give him for going out with his sister.

As Yoona and Jungkook left Taehyung's apartment, the girl felt a shiver run down her spine as she remembered the footage she had just seen. Was really her lovely brother the one who had beaten her late boyfriend to death? The same one who'd tell her bedtime stories and cuddle her whenever she had problems sleeping? The same guy who'd buy a dozen of chocolates and sweets whenever she was in that time of the month? The same guy who held her hand as if it was made of glass her whole life to make sure she never felt alone? Did he kill Hyunjin with those warm and soft hands?

How could he?

And how can I still not hate him for that?

Yoona bit her lip hard in order for her sobs to not escape her mouth. The last thing she wanted was for Jungkook to see her cry abruptly, he'd get so worried for her and ask her what was going on. She wasn't in the right state of mind to make up a believable lie.

As they arrived at their apartment, Yoona rushed to the bathroom, mumbling a 'urgence' to let Jungkook know not to come after her. He shrugged and walked away, as he decided it was the perfect time to check whether his sister had left her room a mess or not. If she did, he'd make sure to give her an earful as the dear brother he was.

Opening the door, a big grin made way to his face as he saw his sister's room turned upside down, with things scattered everywhere. He had no idea it had become that messy during her panic attack an hour earlier or so. Silently, he started picking up the randomly thrown on the floor smelly socks and collecting them together.

His next target was her messy bed, which's bedsheets he started straightening with his hand one by one. Well, until he felt the material of something which didn't belong to the fabric of sheets touch his hands. Taking it out, it was an envelope.

The DNA test results of him and Yoona, which the latter had forgotten to hide in a safer place.

He slowly opened the envelope, curiously reading its contents. And his expression morphed into one of horror upon realising what that paper was and what it was doing hidden in Yoona's bed.

"Kookie? What are y-" the question was stuck in Yoona's throat once she recognized the envelope in his hands.

"You know?" he asked, tears sliding down his cheeks as the letters crumpled under the pressure of his fingers.

"Nothing's changed for me though, you're my brother, you've always been and you'll always be. No one could ever take your place. Ever" she whispered, tears sliding down her cheeks as well as she made her way to him and hugged him tightly.

"How? What made you doubt? I made sure to make you feel like I'm your real family" he whispered in disbelief.

"It was visible just by the way our parents treated us so differently from each other. And also we don't look alike at all" she chuckled, hugging him tighter.

"Then why now and not earlier? What put this in your mind? Yeji? Did she do this just because what happened between us? I'll-" he growled, ready to go and rip Yeji apart.

"No no no, it wasn't Yeji, it was Namjoon" Yoona yelped, gasping right after as she realized her mistake.

"Namjoon, huh?" he mumbled lowly, a dark look in his eyes.

"Kookie, just forget it and let's go to sleep. Let's cuddle together" Yoona said with a soft smile, guiding Jungkook to the king sized bed in his bedroom and laying down with him.

"I love you Kookie" she mumbled lovingly.

"I love you cupcake"

*time skip to the next morning

Yoona's eyes fluttered open, and with her hand she felt the spot next to her in bed. It was empty. Huffing, she got up, no sign of Jungkook in the room and the silence told her he wasn't at any of the other rooms of the apartment either.

She tried calling him countless times, but he didn't pick up.

And Yoona just couldn't shake off the bad feeling she had.

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