Chapter 40

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Jimin and Mr. Lee were worried. Yoongi had informed them that Yoona was with him, but they had no idea where Yeji was. The girl never ditched class, so they were anxious. The fact that no one knew where she was didn't help.

"Shall I go and look for her around the campus? It wouldn't be appropriate to send a student to look for her" Jimin said, and Mr. Lee nodded in agreement.

With that, Jimin went out, heart pounding heavily as he was worried as hell. He couldn't show it at class though, or else the students would be able to sniff his feelings for her. That'd make things take an unwanted turn.

After walking through the hallways, silent sobs coming from the girls' restroom grabbed his attention. They felt familiar somehow so even though he himself was a male and not allowed there, he made his way inside.

*at Yoongi's office

"That day it was my birthday. My parents took me and my younger sister out. She was about two years old while that day I had turned nine. We were just singing happily inside the car when I heard a loud honk from the right side of the car, where I was seated. Everything else is a blur" Yoongi said, sadness evident in his eyes. Yoona couldn't help but feel bad for the man, he lost his whole family right in the day of his birthday, and when he was so young at the time.

"And then?" she asked curiously.

"When I woke up, two months had passed. I had fallen into a coma. They told me my parents had died in that car accident and you can probably guess, I was a wreck" he said, a bitter chuckle on his small face.

"You must have been so shocked..." Yoona trailed off.

"And yet they didn't tell me anything about my sister..." Yoongi said, sighing sadly.

"What?!" Yoona gasped, shocked.

"I continued asking them, even caused a ruckus in the hospital I was admitted to, until a police officer told me what had happened to her"

He didn't continue his sentence.

"Come on, do I have to tell you to finish the damn sentence? Stop trying to build suspense" Yoona grumbled.

"She was adopted, and the adoptive family had requested for their identity to be hidden in case any of her relatives came to look for her" Yoongi said, hot tears abruptly sliding down his cheeks as he almost choked on them.

"Isn't that illegal?"

"No idea. The only thing I know is that I haven't been able to find where my sister is up until this day. Her whereabouts are a mystery and I don't even know whether she is alive or not. I just hope she is and her adoptive family took care of her well" Yoongi said, wiping his tears off with the back of his hand.

"And why would you think I'm your lost sister?" Yoona asked softly, not wanting to hit a soft spot for Yoongi.

"Firstly, you look exactly like me and our parents, your smile is the same too. Secondly, you are the same age as her. Last but not least, her name was also Yoona. Honestly, the moment I saw you in this campus, even before getting to know your name was Yoona, I was more than sure you were my lost sister, now you know"

"And how would you know? I could actually be Jungkook's biological sister for all you know" Yoona countered back.

"Oh please, you two look nothing like each other. I can tell from a mile afar that you two are not biological siblings" Yoongi snorted.

"You never know" Yoona spat, going out of his office and running away before he catched up on her.

As she was now in the roof of the campus, she sat down and started breathing heavily, all the information she heard downing on her.

"Can he actually be my biological brother?" she whispered to herself, hot tears sliding down her cheeks. She didn't want to believe those words which came out of her mouth, she wanted to believe that Jungkook was her biological brother and she wasn't adopted, but the more facts she got to know, the more she doubted it.

"Please, I just want to continue living happily with Jungkook, no interruptions or new people, please" she pleaded to no one in particular, now full crying, really loudly as she wasn't able to hold herself back.

Then she heard footsteps nearing her.

"Yoona? What are you doing here?"

Lifting her head up, she was met with a teary eyed Yeji and Jimin who had wrapped his hands around the girl. Once she noticed the girl's state, Yeji rushed and hugged the girl tightly, while Jimin's arms were still wrapped around her, creating a figure which would look really weird if seen from above.

"Hun, why are you crying?" Yeji asked, worried about the blonde girl.

"Things happened honey and I'm not really ready to talk about it, what about you? Have you been crying and why?" the blonde asked the brunette.

"I run into Jungkook today and we talked. We sorted things out, but I just felt a little bad and needed to vent out. Thankfully, Jimin was searching for me, so he found me and lent me a shoulder to cry" Yeji said, shooting a small grateful smile at the boy with pink plump lips.

"Lucky you" Yoona mumbled, hugging her knees tighter.

"Do you want to skip for today and go to my house? We can talk together over ice cream and vent out everything. Would it be okay, Jimin?" Yeji asked, side eyeing the said boy.

"No, you can go, I'll let your professors know you weren't feeling well so you don't need to worry. Do you want me to take you home?" he offered kindly, but the girls shook their heads no.

"It's okay, Jimin, thank you for the offer. We can go by ourselves" Yeji smiled, as she grabbed Yoona's hand and went down the stairs with Jimin, not having to worry about the cameras as they had a professor with them.

"Bye Jimin" Yoona mumbled weakly.

"See you later" Yeji shot him a bright smile, making the boy internally squeal.

"See you later girls" he said, holding himself back from saying goodbye only to Yeji.

As the girls were walking out of the campus, Yoona felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. Taking it out, she had a new text message.

The DNA test results are ready
We can meet up so you can get them
whenever you want
Text me

Yoona breathed heavily at that.

I'm not ready for this...

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