Chapter 45

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Yoona's face turned white as a sheet, quickly slapping away Taehyung's hand which was resting in her waist. She felt her blood run cold at the blank stare of her brother, who oddly enough, wasn't screaming.

She almost felt relieved, but quickly shooed the thought away once she noticed how hard he was gripping the cup of coffee in his hand. He was trying so hard to hold back and not scare her with his over reacting, but Yoona very well knew she was going to get an earful later.

"Tae, I'll get going. See you later" Yoona tried to smile, letting a flustered Taehyung alone. He couldn't move an inch, his girlfriend already had told him numerous stories of her brother beating up every guy that looked her way. And he didn't want to be the next in line.

"Hello, Jungkook-ssi, nice to see you. I'll get going now, bye" Taehyung said quickly, waving at him and basically running to his apartment before Jungkook's voice stopped him.

"Wait for me buddy, I'm coming over, let me just say something to my lil sister beforehand" Jungkook said in a chill tone, making Taehyung freak out.



"Yoona, I'll drop by at your boyfriend's for a while, can you wait for me?" he said with a soft smile on his face, making Yoona give him a tight grin.

"Just don't beat him up"

"Sure thing" he replied, a toothy grin on his face which didn't seem so reliable to her.

"Do you want me to do anything while waiting?" Yoona asked quietly, knowing that if she doesn't find something to distract herself while waiting, she'd go crazy thinking that Jungkook was going to beat up poor Taehyung. She loved her brother, but his tendency of beating up all the guys around her was the only flaw of his she didn't like.

"Check my computer, I'm waiting for an email from this entertainment company, and also find this document I've got in my files, it has my CV and some videos of different choreos I've danced to. When I get that email, send that document to them" Jungkook explained calmly, while Yoona memorized all his words in her head so she wouldn't mess up the order of things or forget to do something.

"Got it Kookie, don't worry I won't mess up, this whole thing seems important" she said with a soft smile on her face, and then Jungkook left.

Yoona quickly went to look through his documents, quickly finding what she was looking for and immediately she took to Gmail so she'd have the document ready to send.

The email from the entertainment company came and she quickly sent the document back, releasing a relieved sigh once she was done as she was glad she didn't mess up.

Jungkook didn't have many emails, as Yoona also knew he had arranged his email so only emails from a few selected people could come to his mailbox and he also didn't use emails much. So, an email from an unknown name immediately caught her eye and she clicked it on without much thought.

It was an online shopping address verification email, but the products purchased were a bit abnormal to say the least. A chainsaw, gasoline, and ropes.

What did Kookie need these for?

Scrolling down the screen further, Yoona felt herself freeze. This email had been sent to him around the time her parents had been murdered. Precisely, a week before.

Mom's and dad's corpses were found inside their car which was burnt down, tied down to their seats and their hands were cut off...

Yoona shivered, remembering overhearing the gruesome scene from the police officers' conversation and she was terrified. What bad had her parents done other than sometimes making her feel left out for someone to murder them like that?

"Yoona, stop thinking weird things, probably Kookie just had a project in gardening around that time and needed these tools, let's not think anything weird" she whispered to herself, immediately closing the mailbox. Now the documents' page flashed on the screen.

Not wanting to violate Jungkook's privacy any further, Yoona hurried to close the page, but not before noticing a strange file right at the bottom, named HHJ.

Why would Kookie have a file named after Hyunjin's initials? He hated him for all I know...

Curiosity got the best of Yoona once again and she clicked the file open. It was a video, probably a camera footage, as she figured out. Being the curious girl she is, she clicked play on the video, having no idea of what was to come.

The video showed a narrow alleyway, with not much light coming and not much could be seen, other than a tall bulky guy with a black hood smoking. Yoona could recognize that tattooed arm everywhere and she wondered why would Jungkook have a footage of himself smoking in an alleyway and name the file HHJ.

Then, a shorter guy with short black hair came in view, walking slowly towards Jungkook in a shy manner. Because of the poor lighting, she couldn't figure out who the person was, even though he was noticeably not as bulky as Jungkook and visibly younger. But when he spoke, she instantly knew.

"Hyung, how are you? You asked to see me..." Hyunjin trailed off, knowing that the older wasn't really fond of him and still not understanding why would he want to meet him that late at night at such a sketchy place.

"Hey Hyunjin. I asked to meet you because... Well, you see, I heard around that you're in a relationship with my sister. Is it true or is it just a baseless rumor?" Jungkook queried, and despite the fact he was her brother, Yoona felt a shiver run down her spine. She didn't have a good feeling about this, but she couldn't just stop watching this video she had never known before of.

"It actually is true... I've had a crush on Yoona for a while and confessed to her. When she said that the feeling was mutual, we were both really happy and I asked her out. Don't worry hyung, I've been treating her well ever since and we're very happy. I promise to always treat her like the princess she is and I promise to never break her heart, I'm even thinking of proposing her after university" Hyunjin said, fiddling with his fingers as he held eye contact with Jungkook.

"Is that so?" Jungkook asked before throwing his cigarette on the ground and walking towards Hyunjin.

And then he threw a strong punch right into Hyunjin's jaw.

Another one on his nose.

Then another in the ribs.

Yoona watched in horror Jungkook beat up Hyunjin harshly, the latter trying his best to protect himself but Jungkook was much stronger. He punched Hyunjin repeatedly, not stopping even once, until Hyunjin lost the energy to fight back and a few minutes later, he wasn't moving at all.

Upon noticing that, Jungkook got up, dusted his clothes off and removed the pair of gloves hugging his hands. Then he walked away, leaving the unmoving Hyunjin behind.

Yoona went numb, tears running down her cheeks as her whole body shivered in shock after seeing the video. In her ears repeatedly rang a sentence the police officers had said after Hyunjin's death, louder and louder, until she felt like she'd go insane.

Hyunjin was beaten to death and his corpse was found in an abandoned alleyway.

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