Chapter 4

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Yoona, Yeji and Felix were quietly eating their lunch together with some other friends the next day, having all the attention on them. Some of the most popular kids of the first year were eating together, after all.

"Shuhua, can you please stop eating my food?!"

"Is it my fault your side dish is better than mine Jongho?!"

"Remind me to never sit next to Shuhua guys, I love my food"

"Soobin, can you move over? Seungmin's side dish looks rather appetizing today" Shuhua grinned evilly.

Soobin complied while Seungmin felt betrayed and shocked. Not long after his side dish wasn't in front of him anymore, but inside Shuhua's tummy.

"And why are we all gathered again?" Sunwoo asked with a sigh.

"Call it a meeting between the popular kids" Felix smiled.

"Han Jisung give me back my phone" Jeno screamed, while Jaemin and Renjun tried holding him back. Haechan and the others were at the verge of crying from laughing that much, while Yoona kissed the floor.

"Remind me to never do this again" Yoona whispered at Yeji's ear, regretting giving the idea of all the popular kids of the first year hanging out together at lunch break.

"Yeah, it's too chaotic for my ears" Yeji whispered back.

Suddenly, Yoona felt her phone buzz in her pocket.

What's with the noise?
You guys are so loud I can hear
you from the other side of the

Turns out the popular kids of
my year are CHAOTIC
And I love it
Get used to the noise
I bet it's not the last time we hang
out together 😂

As she put the phone back in her pocket, they heard someone cough behind them.

"Umm, hello guys, sorry to disturb your lunch but I need some of you" a handsome guy said, smiling at them.

"I need Yeji, Yoona, Shuhua, Felix and Han, Mr. Lee, Mr. Min and Mr. Kim are looking for you" he said, bowing to them once again while the ones who heard their names got up and followed him baffled. Why would their dancing, vocals and rapping professors suddenly look out for them like this?

"Umm, Yoona, do you happen to know who this guy is?" Yeji whispered in Yoona's ear lowly so no one else would hear.

"He's Lee Juyeon, third year and part of the dancing department. Why do you ask?" Yoona replied lowly, making sure no one heard.

"That guy asked me out on Valentine's Day, but I didn't even know who he was" Yeji responded.

"Whoa" Yoona gasped, forgetting they are not alone and everybody looked at her.

"Don't mind me guys, let's go" she grinned awkwardly and everybody started walking again.

As they arrived in the meeting hall, they saw their teachers. The assistant dancing professor was also there with some students from the other years.

As Juyeon went to talk to their teachers, leaving them behind, all the first year's eyes turned to Yoona who knew everyone at school.

"Care to tell us who those students are?" Shuhua nudged Yoona.

"Umm, the tall guy with cute cheeks is Choi Yeonjun from the second year, the guy next to him who has a face like sculpted is Lee Minho from the third year, dancing department and is Juyeon's best friend, the bunny like guy is my older brother, Jeon Jungkook from the dancing department in the fourth year and that pretty girl next to him, I don't remember her exact name but everyone calls her Minnie and she's in the fourth year, from the vocals department" Yoona said, and everybody nodded, thankful to have someone who happens to know everybody with them.

"Hey Minnie how have you been?" Yoona grinned, waving at the girl from afar while she returned it.

"I've only spoken to her once for like a minute but she seems to really like me" Yoona grinned at her friends.

"Come over lovelies, we have things to discuss" the assistant dancing professor beckoned them over with a sweet smile.

"How many times do I have to tell you to not be so friendly with the students, Jimin?" Mr. Lee grumbled, pinching his nose in frustration while Jimin secretly stuck his tongue out at him.

"So, what are we here for?" Han asked.

"Well, it's a project we've been planning to do. I don't know all of you here, but I hope we'll get along well" Mr. Kim, the vocals professor said.

"It's a special performance that we've made every year and we'd love to make it this year as well" Mr. Lee, the dancing professor said.

"We wouldn't want to interfere and instead will let you discuss among yourselves to choose one song, than divide the parts between you and we expect a performance just like how idols perform on stage. We'll provide you with all kinds of equipment you might need and you have a month to prepare, the performance will be in April so take your time. Now we'll leave and you discuss with the help of Juyeon, he will help you organize your parts and arrange the choreography to your needs" Mr. Min, the rapping professor said, and then they left the students alone.

"First of all, I don't know all of you guys, so let's get along well. Second, since we are nine people leaving Juyeon aside, let's find a song from a nine member group so we won't have too much trouble arranging the choreography" Minho said.

"Hmm, what do you think about EXO?" Yeonjun wondered aloud.

"Nice" Yeji nodded and everyone agreed with them.

"Which song though?" Minnie asked.

"Hmm, what about Wolf? The choreo is really interesting" Han smirked while Juyeon shook his head in disagreement.

"I highly doubt all of you are that acrobatic, some of you could break a limb" Juyeon snickered, making the others laugh.

"Don't mind this overexcited quokka" Shuhua chuckled at Han.

"What about Love Shot?" Jungkook asked, and everybody considered it in their mind.

"Well, it's a pretty popular song, the choreo is nice and appealing, vocals and rap are both required and we can arrange the roles" Yoona said and everyone nodded in agreement.

"Appealing choreo huh?" Felix smirked, and everybody burst out laughing.

"Now let's get out and tell the teachers our decision" Yeji said.

"Good luck to everyone"

Author's note

Sorry for the flood of characters hehe...

I was just listening to my kpop playlist before writing this chapter so I got carried away I guess?

The characters who appeared today  are not really important to the story, but this chapter is more like showing the vibe of the university, the students among each other and the professors too.

Hopefully it wasn't boring?

If you liked the interactions, tell me so I can put more of them in the future chapters.

Anyway, that's it from me, bye 🖐💜

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