Fun facts & new book

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Hey there, it's been a while since I last uploaded. I took a break, let my brain rest for a bit and just stayed home reading fanfics. Nothing much, to be honest.

I came back because I felt like I should not drag this book anymore. Actually, it's been a long time since I lost inspiration to continue writing this book, but all the support and reads it got helped me go through the whole plot I had in my head. Like what the hell, this book got 3.15k views??!!!

Anyways enough with me blabbering.

Just like the title says, I came here to tell you guys a few fun facts related to this book, because there are quite a few. Oh, and before I forget. I'm not going to upload this book anymore, so feel free to imagine whatever you want to happen with the characters, I hope the open ending I did at the epilogue will make it easier for you to fantasize.

Let's continue with the fun facts.

1) The biological brother of Yoona in the very beginning wasn't Yoongi, but it was Namjoon, and Yoona's name was Nami. It's been so long since I've had this story in my mind that I don't even remember the reason why I switched from Namjoon to Yoongi, lol.

2) Other than the BTS members, characters in this story were supposed to be the EXO members, and the story wouldn't be so related to the university. It was a last minute change that I decided to add characters of Yoona's age. Yoona was supposed to run into Kai and Sehun in a busking in the street, they're would be friendly enough to introduce her to their other friends, they'd instantly click and invite her to work at their café part time to help with some pocket money. Then Baekhyun's evil cousin would come into the picture, framing her for stealing drinks from the café and getting her fired, just because she didn't accept to go on a date with him. Of course at the end everything would come out and they'd again become friends, but anyway, this all disappeared when I decided to make a 'little' change in the plot. (Hehe)

3) This book wasn't supposed to be anything dark like I wrote it. Actually, for a long time, in my mind this was a slow burn book, fluffy and very funny. Only two days before I published it, I was just in the bathroom, doing my personal business (ahem), and the idea of making this story dark came in my mind. Since my previous books were also dark and I felt like if this book would be only fluff it would be boring, I just decided to create something darker. I hope I achieved it well.

4) While writing the story, I was determined to make Yoongi look like the bad guy despite not doing anything and portray Jungkook as the good guy despite having killed three people. Then, while writing, I realized that by portraying each of the duo with their feelings and flaws too, I couldn't see neither as the antagonist, so I'm curious if you also feel that way or is it just me. But, if you do feel like one of them is the true antagonist of this story, do tell me in the comments. (I'm basically telling you to pick sides lol, Jungkook vs Yoongi)

5) To give you a little peek into the original story, all our seven tanies were supposed to be childhood friends, until Jungkook's family decided to move abroad, to England. Around that time, a car accident occurs in Yoongi's family, his parents die and his sister disappears (just like the published version). Then, years later, Jungkook's family comes back to Korea, Jungkook and his friends reunion and he introduces his sister to the guys. Then as time passes and they get to know each other better, Yoongi realizes Yoona is his sister and tells her and Jungkook about it, no hard feelings at all. Then Yoona and Yoongi try to catch up and the trio is all happy. As for Yoona and Taehyung's romance, in the original story Yoona would accidentally enter his room while he was topless, see his six-pack abs and tease him while he was a blushing mess and then they'd fall in love amid endless teasing, and in the published version you've read, Taehyung became Yoona's personal hug chair and that's how they got to be. So, no murders, no psychopaths, no lies, no secrets, nothing. Boring to me, that's why I changed everything.

Well, I think I said it all and haven't forgotten anything. I hope you liked this book, I hope you liked these behind the scenes I told you and above everything, I hope you like my writing style (shameless self promo, sorry not sorry)

So, officially, this book's journey has finally ended after about seven months.

Now I'll give you guys a sneak peek of my new book which I plan on starting to write around these days.

(This is the cover I made with my terrible editing skills lol)

(This is the cover I made with my terrible editing skills lol)

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Earth and humans should have ended long ago. The aliens tried to conquer the planet, the zombie apocalypse happened and the dinosaurs reappeared. The human race should have disappeared from the face of Earth, but it still exists, strong and sturdy, even though only about a billion people are still alive, out of eight billion which were before everything happened.

How did the human race survive?

Because of Inhye, a monster created by the hands of scientists, a being whose existence was an abomination, despite her still being SLIGHTLY human deep in her heart. So when she decides to escape for even just a little bit from the hands of the scientists who repeatedly dehumanize her in the name of science by becoming BTS' special bodyguard, will the world finally come to an end? Or will she break seven hearts and save a billion lives?

Read to find out!

Okay, now I'll have to shut up, because this update is becoming WAYY longer than I intended it to. As this is the final update, please do tell me how this story made you feel, how did you like the characters, and who is your favorite. Just tell me whatever you want, seriously, because your comments always make me happy. I want to thank you guys for supporting this book and showing love to it, and if you're reading this, may you meet BTS one day, I don't even know how to thank you.

I love you guys, this has been "Brother".
I hope to see you guys in my other works as well, it would mean the world to me and I seriously love you, even though I just said it above.
Virtually sending hugs and kisses,

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