Chapter 57

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'I'll be the moon that never falls, and always watch over you. I'll never leave your side, even if you can't see me'

Waking up after dreaming about Jungkook saying these words to her younger self, Yoona glanced out of the window, the scorching sun burning the skin of her face and blinding her. She closed the curtains as she scrunched her nose up and tried not to cry.

Ironic, isn't it?

It had been two days since the news of Jungkook's death reached her. She had been a wreck until now, and she still was. Taehyung had been near her the whole time, consoling her, Hoseok had called and Felix and the guys had messaged.

Yeji had also paid a visit, but the topic of the conversation had shifted from Yeji comforting her to scolding her for crying over Jungkook. And let's not even mention Yoongi.

Today it was Jungkook's funeral and Yoona was behind the organising, as she didn't want anyone else to do it besides her. Seeing her brother off herself was the least she could do for him. And of course Yoongi didn't know.

She had contacted all of Jungkook's friends and informed them of the funeral, hoping that at least one or two of them would actually show up. Taehyung, Hoseok and the guys had promised to show up too, so she wouldn't be left alone.

Going to the kitchen as she followed the aroma of delicious food being cooked, even though she didn't feel like eating she decided to get her tummy full. She'd need the energy throughout the day, and Jungkook would have been sad if she skipped meals normally.

"Good morning sweetie" Yoongi shot her a gummy smile from the table, the plate in front of him untouched. Yoona figured he was waiting for her to start eating.

"Morning" Yoona mumbled, the bags under her eyes concerning Yoongi. He knew that her mood these two days had been down because of Jungkook's death, and he had tried to be understanding, but he was also jealous of the fact how much Yoona treasured him.

Without having much appetite, Yoona ate quietly until she felt like she couldn't anymore as she had gotten full. Ready to get up and leave so she wouldn't be late for the funeral, she was stopped by Yoongi.

"Where are you going?" he asked, putting in front of her a box of strawberry milk she loved so much. Yoona winced, since Jungkook always used to get it for her and no one else.

"How'd you know I like it?" she whispered, debating whether to take it or not.

"Yeji told me you like it and I figured maybe it would help lighten up your mood" Yoongi mumbled shyly, fiddling with his fingers.

Of course she'd tell you...

Yoona snatched the box from the table with a scowl in her face, and Yoongi didn't even dare ask anything as she left for her room. Following Namjoon's advice, he tried not to press her fresh wound with his questions even though they were burning at the tip of his tongue.

After leaving the house with Yoongi strangely not asking her where she was going, Yoona headed for the funeral home as she had to be there earlier than anyone. She was Jungkook's only family, so it totally made sense.

The first one to show up after Yoona was Taehyung, who arrived not more than two minutes after. He gave her his significant boxy smile, assuring her that he'd be by her side the whole time.

Hoseok came shortly after, paying his respects to the deceased and saying words of consoling and hope to Yoona with a soft smile. He tried to choose his words very carefully, since he was aware of everything Jungkook had done, unlike most of Yoona's and Jungkook's friends.

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