Chapter 51

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Skipping forward a few days later, Yoongi organized a dinner at his house, close friends of his family invited. By that it meant that besides him and Yoona, they would be joined by Jimin, Taehyung, Yeji, Namjoon who was now all healthy and strong, and Hoseok. While Yoongi was a little sceptic about the latter, Yoona insisted on introducing her friend to them.

"Yoo, where are you going?"

"We don't have enough ramen, I'll go and get some at the convenience store" she yelled to Yoongi who was cooking in the kitchen, too lazy to just go to him and tell him quietly.

"Get soy sauce too, we're out of it" Yoongi yelled in response.

As she made her way out, Yoona sighed. If it were Jungkook, he would have tagged along with her, as he never left her to carry the shopping bags alone, even if she only went to buy chips or a single pen.

In the past few days she had been living with Yoongi, she couldn't help but notice so many things. Yoongi didn't like games, heck he didn't even have a game console in his house (which disappointed her a lot), and unlike Jungkook who would tuck her in bed and sing her to sleep, Yoongi would just wish her goodnight from the couch and stay awake until 3 am in his room writing lyrics and producing music for an entertainment company he worked at. Unlike Jungkook who would invite her to cook with him as either of them were masters and needed help, Yoongi was a perfectionist and never allowed her to touch anything, saying that he was afraid she'd hurt herself.

Going through the numerous shelves of the store while looking for the soy sauce, Yoona didn't look where she was going and ended up bumping in a hard and muscular chest. She lost her balance, but a pair of strong arms caught her before she had contact with the ground.

"Sorry" she mumbled softly, but when she raised her head, the man had already turned his back on her while waving his hand, letting her know that it was okay. Yoona squinted her eyes, not being able to identify the man as he was totally covered in black from head to toe, his cap was black, his mask was black and the sunglasses covering his eyes were black as well. But something about him felt familiar.

Too familiar.

She shrugged it off, knowing that if she continued staying there, Yoongi would either hit her with a flip-flop for not bringing his soy sauce in time or worry a lot, thinking that something had happened to her.

While making her way back from the convenience store, she heard whistling from a car passing nearby her, multiple heys from masculine voices making her laugh in glee.

"You guys are early, Yoongi will have a full aneurism when he sees you came before he had finished the cooking" Yoona grinned, getting in the car as well, only to be met with an unexpected face.

"Prosecutor Kim, what are you doing here?" she asked baffled, suddenly straightening her posture and speaking politely.

"Please, just call me Jin while I'm not on duty. This fella here invited me to tag along" he pointed at Namjoon who gave a full dimpled smile.

"Jackson wasn't able to make it otherwise he would come too" Namjoon said, shaking his head in disappointment while he explained to the group the ridiculous mistake Jackson had made during a mission which got him to work extra hours for a whole month.

"What a shame for Jackson, anyway, moving on, what's with the catcalling? I was about to take out my keys and doodle all over this car" Yoona finished her sentence off with a smirk directed at Jimin, knowing way too well that the big luxurious car which fitted the whole group in belonged to him and he loved it the most behind Yeji. Jimin visibly gulped.

"We just wanted to tease you, you know. This fella here kept saying he trusted you and such, saying that you'd never respond to any kind of catcalling as you are really loyal" Hoseok chuckled, swinging an arm over Taehyung's shoulder. The said boy slightly blushed, suddenly feeling shy as he wasn't familiar with all the people present in the car.

Eventually, they arrived at Yoongi and Yoona's house, only to be met with Yoongi who was waiting at the door with hands on his hips, sulking and literally looking like a mom whose daughter had been out late. His expression totally changed the moment he realized she wasn't alone.

"What are you doing here at my house!!! You're an hour early!" he screamed, the wooden spoon in his hand and the stained apron adorning his body making him look absolutely hilarious. The panic on his face was evident as literally everybody bend over laughing, Jimin even went as far as laying on the floor while holding his tummy.

"Calm down dude, it's okay. We can wait, and we can also help, we don't mind" Jimin said, keeping his cool as he knew his colleague as much as to know this would help in calming him down. Jin proudly smirked, finally finding the chance in unleashing his hidden talent in cooking.

The latter and Yoongi went directly to the kitchen, while the others went to the dining room to help set the table up. Namjoon was forbidden from even standing close to them though, as everybody knew his destructive powers. Literally he broke the car's window on the way to Yoongi's house that day and that's how Yeji, Taehyung, Jimin and Hoseok who had never met him before  also got to know about his 'powers'.

With everybody's help, soon enough they were able to sit around the table and eat happily the delicious food the oldest duo had prepared. The table was filled with laughter, funny and embarrasing stories and satisfied sighs. Yoona also sighed contently, because even if it was only for a short span of time, she was able to forget about everything which had stressed her out lately. Well, she still found Yeji toxic even when they were just talking on the table, but that was another thing.

"I'm thinking on going in vacation with Yoona this summer, right after this year ends" Yoongi said with a small smile on his face, looking over at the said girl.

"That's so sweet, where are you going?" Yeji smiled.

"To Daegu, our hometown. I want to introduce her to it and also let her know her origins. Why not, even meet some relatives while we're there" Yoongi grinned.

"I see, like catching up with the life she missed all this time" Namjoon nodded in understanding.

"Can I tag along pretty please?" Taehyung asked Yoongi, giving him his famous puppy eyes.

Little did he know things like that didn't faze Yoongi at all.

"And why would you want to?" the latter asked while raising one of his brows suspiciously.

"First, Daegu is also my hometown, and second, I'll miss Yoona a lot" Taehyung said while scratching his nape.

"And now we got the ulterior motive" Jimin smirked.

"And what if I say no?" Yoongi teased him, only to see his reaction.

"Please, I can even stay in the trunk, just please take me with you! Please, please, please!" Taehyung begged, kneeling before Yoongi as if he were some sort of king.

"You know he could get in trouble if the police were to actually find someone his trunk? I'd rather not suggest that" Namjoon said with a shrug, which was followed by Taehyung's  heavy sigh.

"Ow, the boy is all sulky now" Hoseok grinned, showing his pearly while teeth.

Just as Jin was about to say something, a ringtone cut him off.

Yoona's ringtone.

Checking her phone out, she noticed an unknown number was calling her, nevertheless she decided to take the call.

"Hello?" she mumbled in s polite tone.

'Hello' a familiar voice greeted on the other side, making her shiver.

"Sorry guys, I gotta take this" she said, running away to her bedroom. When she arrived there, she breathlessly locked the door behind her, and with shivering hands put the phone beside her ear.


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