Chapter 1

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"It's a contradiction! It's Chaos!"

"The crazy beast just admitted it himself."

Changing their position on the couch, (E/c) eyes still glued to the TV screen, they reached over the coffee table for another apple slice.

They watched Arthur swallow Cath. And as peace had been restored upon Britannia. The last episode showing everyone's happy ending.

And that now marks the ending of 7 Deadly Sins.

(Y/n) changed their position again to lay down on their side and stretched. It took a while, but they're finally finished. Yawning, they sat up and grabbed the remote, skimming through all the episodes.

Stopping at the 16th episode of season 4, (Y/n)'s thoughts moved towards Gloxinia.
His death was dreadful. Even though, he and Drole helped the 7 sins escape from Chandler in hopes of that pleasant future. (Y/n) couldn't accept such a death.

Series of alternative plots occured within their imagination, as they began to think of themselves inside the anime. Killing Chandler, letting him live, placing him under a torturous realistic illusion, reviving Gloxinia and Drole...

Though their anger only rose in response.

How dare Chandler kill them. He even ripped poor Gloxinia's wings to shreds - as if killing him wasn't enough.

'I want to save Gloxinia! And Drole. I want to be the strongest, so I can protect him when the time comes.'

They skimmed further until they reached the episodes of the Great Fight Festival in Vaizel hosted by the two.

Laying down on the couch, (Y/n) allowed themselves to daydream again.

Power after power.

'Perhaps I could have an ocular capability. It could act my lifeline as well, I guess.
Like how demons would die after the destruction of seven hearts, I'd die upon the destruction of my eye.'

'Or maybe imitation of abilities. Or immunity to attacks.
Chuuya's ability of gravity is pretty cool too.'

Scenario after scenario. Story after story.

'I can meet Gloxinia at Vaizel, or maybe during the preparations. Or I could see him right after the seal of the Commandments is broken.'

'Maybe I can be the mysterious beautiful stranger that saves his life.'

They really wanted to meet Gloxinia. But that will only happen in their mind.

Actual interaction with him is impossible. And even if they were to meet, there is no guarantee he would like them. They were a human after all. And Gloxinia doesn't like humans.

'Its a shame really.'


Apparently, (Y/n) must have been dreaming either very realistically or for a very long time and had fallen asleep.

Because they felt themselves falling through the air. They could feel very strongly the force of air resistance against their body.

Imagination cannot be this vivid. Unless (Y/n) gained some sort of enlightenment somehow, somewhere, sometime.

Panic slipped through their mind as their situation dawned on them.

Falling would be okay - pleasant even, if the ground was not so far down that it would lead to certain death. Not only that, but their left eye burned, it hurt.

(Y/n) had joked about death many times. Life was transient, but it was so stressful and painful. So unlike for others, death was a comforting reminder that they needn't take trifling matters so seriously.

Failing a test wasn't so important that they need to hate themselves over it. It's alright. It may seem important now in the moment, but will be insignificant later on, after a few days, weeks, or a while longer.

Their embarrassing moments won't become published and released to be used against them. They will be forgotten memories eventually, somewhere along the way.

This idea had aided (Y/n) through life, always. But faced with sudden imminent death below them, they couldn't help but fear it.

They weren't prepared.

Obviously the weren't prepared. (Y/n) was laying down at home just seconds ago, but was now falling through the sky.


Those fearful thoughts halted as (Y/n) felt arms catching their body.

Ignoring the quiet surprised yelp of the one who caught them, they let out a gasp of relief and shock.

They're alive.

With long red strands of hair in their vision, and dark maroon eyes blinking at them in subtle suprise and curiousity, (Y/n) blurted out with a small smirk.

"Ha, you could say I fell for you just now."

Perhaps the adrenaline got to them. Let's blame it on that. Not that they regretted it. Not at all.

Author's note :

This took way longer than I expected it would. Writing is difficult.

Originally, I was thinking of (Y/n) stopping in the air by floating. Thinking of something like 'Dammit King, lucky bastard can float.'
That way (Y/n) would discover their ability straight away.

But it wouldn't make much sense then for them to continue falling. They would also know Gloxinia and Drole are on the land beneath them.

I wanted their first interaction to have a memorable impact and impression on the other, including (Y/n).

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