Chapter 6

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(Y/n) paced along a field, examining a worn out map they took from the village. They placed one finger on the letters that read 'Vaizel', with small boxes drawn underneath it in representation of settlements.

That was were they needed to go. Problem was that they didn't know what direction to take because they didn't know where they were. There were multiple towns near Vaizel shown on the map, but (Y/n) didn't know which one they were in previously. They silently regretted not asking the villagers, despite their rude and strange demeanors.

They thought of any characters whose abilities could help them in this situation. Ragdoll's (from BNHA) quirk came to mind, Search, which can be used to monitor and observe up to a hundred people at a time from miles away - including their locations and weak spots. With that, they can just see Gloxinia's whereabouts.

Using Search, they saw a star-like visage, somewhere around a maze of tall walls.

'Ah, it has already started.'

With no hesitation, (Y/n) used Merlin's teleportation spell to Gloxinia.

And they were falling again.

It startled them, but they quickly calmed themselves.
They can no longer die by this.

'I guess I got the coordinates wrong? Or?'


Gloxinia and Drole were both watching the entrants' attempt's to overcome the obstacles placed in the maze.

Though Gloxinia sensed the sudden appearance of someone above him, due to hearing their thoughts - which sounded rather familiar.

He caught the person using the tentacles of Basquias. With his expression painted in instant recognition, Gloxinia thought, 'Its this human again.'
The very same human that plagued his mind after their first meeting. The human he's barely managed to stop thinking about.
This human came right back to him.

While in the fairy's hold, the human didn't waste any time to flirt with him again.

"You caught me again. The same way I caught feelings.
Hey, this could become our own thing - I fall and you catch me."

Gloxinia sweatdropped. Good to know this human is still the same, even though it hasn't been that long.

'Though it seems that they suddenly became more self-assured and relaxed.'

They were noticeably frightened the last time they met, at first at least. But that fear no longer seemed to be present by their behaviour. What could have happened?

Placing them on the ground, he asked "You're able to use teleportation magic?"

They nodded. "Yes, though this was my first time trying it, so it was a bit off."

"What about last time?"

"No idea, honestly. I just know that I didn't to it. I think?"

Gloxinia brought a hand to his hair and closed his eyes, grumbling at their negligence.
Stopping his movement, he focused again on the human. "Are you a mage?"


They could use high-level teleportation magic (and succeeded first try) but they were not a mage. Gloxinia had some reservations, but if anything, he was impressed.
Besides, everything they said so far has been truthful. He was glad that they didn't lie to him. Not that he won't notice.

Drole, who had been watching the interrogation, spoke up.
"I have a question."

The human turned to him. "Hmm?"

"I am able to determine the strength of others with my Magical Eye. However, I cannot see yours. Why is that?"

The human blinked, tilting their head questioningly. Their power level was unknown?

"That's tricky. I'm not exactly sure, but... it might have something to do with me being an outsider."

Drole and Gloxinia shared a glance. Neither expected that kind of answer, and they didn't know what to make out of it.

They both wanted to know more. Was this human weak or strong then? What did they mean? But they doubted that the human will elaborate further, because their tone almost made it seem like a warning to not ask more on the matter.

Strangely however, Gloxinia didn't feel threatened. In fact, he only became more curious, more interested. Still, he didn't continue to inquire out of consideration, which puzzled him. Why was he acting so thoughtful towards a human?

The appearance of the applicants who made it past the maze interrupted his contemplation. They sure took their time, even the sun already set.
Now it's time for the fighting matches.

Before Gloxinia introduced the next stage of the Festival, he quickly turned to the human once again.

"Hey, what's your name?"

The other seemed very pleased with his question, since their face immediately erupted in a blissful smile.

"(Y/n) (L/n)."

Gloxinia imprinted that name into his memory. It was a unique name - obviously foreign.

"Gloxinia," he introduced, then gestured to the giant beside him. "And this is Drole."

He looked towards the participants, explaining the next part.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to this ultimate time killer. No, I mean, the Great Fighting Festival! But before we get things underway, we'll need to prepare the arena."

"Alright Drole, are you ready?" He asked, focusing on his friend.

The two giants among the contestants, Matrona and Diane, gaped at the name with wide eyes.
Meanwhile, Drole performed some hand movements before yelling "Gigant Gauntlet!" Pillars of rock arose from the ground, eventually forming the fingers of a very large formation of a hand.

Gloxinia gave a closed-eye smile as he clapped with the tentacle tips of Basquias. "Fantastic! This is where each one of you will be doing battle. Since it's time to get started, I'll be cutting off the others now. I just need to wipe out those little worms that are still lurking around in the maze."

The tentacles swirled around him rapidly, until Basquias turned into its ninth configuration, Death Thorn. Multiple spikes swept over the maze and killed off any living beings that remained.
A sinister smirk plastered itself on Gloxinia's expression.

The other fairy present, King, floated upwards. "Death Thorn comes from the sharp spikes that grow at the very top of the Sacred Tree and destroy any threats Sunflower alone can't handle."
King gasped in realisation. "Hold on. Basquias is the spirit spear bestowed upon the first one who's chosen by the Sacred Tree! But how? It's impossible."

Gloxinia stared at King as his red hair fluttered in the breeze. His entire body was now visible, no longer wrapped in Basquias.

And his wings. His beautiful, large, multicoloured wings that sparked so lavishly like the crown jewels of past royalty.

"First Fairy King Gloxinia?"

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