Chapter 38

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Slowly regaining conciousness, (Y/n) shifted ever so slightly, aware of the arms that envelop them, and the body that's pressed against theirs. A touch on their head - they could feel that too, gentle and peaceful. The soft breaths of the fairy that lays in the same bed, the exhales that brushed their cheek.

Eyes fluttering open, (Y/n)'s immediate view was Gloxinia's upper chest and red hair. Bodies still entangled together, the fairy's hand played with strands of their own (H/c) hair.

A soft haze of sunlight settled on Gloxinia's figure from the small circular window, illuminating his features gently. And when (Y/n) tilted their head to gaze upon the fairy's face, it was his amber eyes that gleamed, like they could rival the sun itself.

Lips curling upwards, the smile that formed on Gloxinia's face was small yet content. His mellifluous voice like a loving caress, too soothing that (Y/n) almost closed their eyes and fell asleep again. "Good morning."

"Morning..." A drowsy tone was carried in their response, nothing more than a murmur.

'Gloxinia's so precious...'

Truly beautiful. At this moment, (Y/n) felt like they finally gained something too important to let go of. An affection that they yearned for, and only received it because they entered this world - the world of the 7 Deadly Sins which held Gloxinia.

Why's it only now that (Y/n) realised how close they were to the fairy?

All the moments they spent together: the meeting, the flirting, the date, the difficult times and the comfort that followed, the quick kiss on the corner of their lips, the cuddles, and Gloxinia's insistence that they rest and take care of themselves, because he actually cared.

And when (Y/n) didn't take proper care of themselves, Gloxinia did so for them instead, like they were important to him.

Because of their newfound power, a lot of the people (Y/n) had met in this previously fictional world take them a little for granted, especially since they provided aid multiple times without compensation.

When others look at them, it is their power they see first. That's how it's been since they saved Meliodas.

Yet when Gloxinia looks upon them, he sees them, (Y/n).

Honestly, it was like they were actual, official, real lovers.

'Wait, lovers?'

They hadn't thought too much of it, but now that they contemplate it...

'Crap. I'm in love.'

This realisation dawned on them gently, like slow waves against the shore.
Of course, they've loved Gloxinia for a long time. But, the term 'love' was used for many other fictional characters alongside him.

So, when they met him, they recognised him as real, and promised themselves to form a more genuine love for him.
However, it wasn't a thought that often appeared in their mind.
But now that their love became an active thought, it felt so strangely substantial and cathartic - in a kind of good way.

Why did they only now realise how important this actually was? Why did the term 'love' feel so much more natural and significant in this moment?

As their thoughts continued, (Y/n)'s eyes softened into a melancholic yet loving gaze. 'Who'd have thought I'd get this attached...'


Blackened and dry earth stretched across what used to be a green expanse of forestry; the outcome of Chandler's spells, the very depiction of a battlefield.

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