Chapter 25

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"So you want to betray the Demon King?"

Meliodas asked Melascula, with a tone akin to disbelief, still struggling to process her uncharacteristic decision.

'Melascula has always been one of the most faithful followers of the Demon King. But to think she's decided to betray him - all because of (Y/n).'

Just who was (Y/n) exactly?

Well, he supposed it didn't matter. More importantly, he had to try his best and keep friendly ties with them.

After all, (Y/n) would be the greatest ally, but also the worst enemy; their confrontation with the 10 Commandments was proof of that.

"More so, I wish to follow (Y/n). Betraying the Demon King is just an unavoidable consequence." Melascula answered, dismissive yet honest.

Again, Meliodas can't seem to understand Melascula. He couldn't help but notice the differences between her current and previous selves. It's like the demon before him was some kind of imposter.

But, it didn't seem like she was lying. Above all, Melascula wasn't the type to joke or lie about her faith; nor would she play around with her pride.
He'd just have to trust her on her words.

Meliodas let a sigh escape him. "Alright. I'll take your word for it. Then, what do you wish to do? Why tell me all this?"

"Well... I was-" Melascula began, before pausing as if rethinking her answer.
"I'll accompany you, and those friends of yours, for a while. It's only temporary - so don't think too much of it."

Narrowing his eyes in suspicion, Meliodas didn't bother hiding his skepticism. "Why? How can I trust you not to hurt them?"

"(Y/n) decided to save you. So, I won't harm you or those close to you during my stay. But I can't really prove that in the moment, can I?"

Meliodas remained silent for a few seconds, but eventually relented. "Fine. I can give you one chance, at least."

Yet he still proceeded to throw more questions at her. "But you still haven't answered why. And how long do you even plan on staying?"

"For clues on their location. When the Commandments left, (Y/n) was with you last. Even if you don't know, your Sin friends might. And being around you guys may increase my chances of seeing (Y/n) again."

Well, she had a point. And she was right.

After saving him, (Y/n) went along with Diane and King. Meliodas supposed the three stayed together for a while, before the two Sins eventually left to reunite with him and the others.

And Diane did mention (Y/n) at one point. Something about the Fairy King's Forest, them, Gloxinia, and love - which greatly surprised Meliodas.

Either way, he knew where (Y/n) was currently. So he'll just tell Melascula.

"They're in the Fairy King's Forest. So you don't need to stay with the 7 Deadly Sins for clues."

"Then, I'll still need to meet with the current Fairy King for permission to enter the barrier. He's the Sin of Sloth, if I remember?"

Grunting in annoyance, Meliodas couldn't think of another reason to dissuade her. So he finally agreed, coldly and almost threatening.

"As long as you don't try harm my friends. And if King doesn't agree, you leave, got it?"

Melascula only offered a feigned smile. "How rude."

Then, the black surroundings began to fade, and Meliodas caught sight of sunlight and broken ruins.

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