Chapter 17

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Moments after (Y/n) left, Drole (who had been there the entire time) finally spoke up.

"They're a good person. I've never seen someone apologise with such sincerity before."

Gloxinia, who was still facing the wall which (Y/n) left through, slightly nodded his head in agreement.

"You know, for an instant, when they declared that they'll save Meliodas, I really started to doubt them. I thought 'Is (Y/n) betraying me?'
But now, even though I had turned down that thought back then, I can't help but laugh at my previous skepticism."

The fairy then turned to face Drole, a resolute expression on his face.

"I won't doubt (Y/n) like that again."

Meanwhile, Drole studied his friend's words. That firm declaration caught him off guard.

Gloxinia's statement basically implies that he'll place his full trust in (Y/n) in the future.

He wouldn't have ever said such things before (Y/n)'s appearance. But it seems, due to their influence, the fairy is slowly returning to his old self.

Speaking of (Y/n), Drole had an underlying suspicion that Gloxinia was starting to like them - as in, romantically.

And that was confirmed, upon seeing the fairy not only place their head on his lap and play with their hair, but also forgive them.

Additionally, he also accepted and admitted to being aware of (Y/n)'s courtship until now.
This means that Gloxinia had been accepting their advancements all this time as well, since he wasn't dense and he never actually really tried to stop their courting.

'Undoubtedly, my best friend has finally fallen in love - and with a very fine individual. Or at least, starting to.'

Drole thought to himself, proudly. He felt happy on behalf of Gloxinia.

A small teasing grin then overtook his expression. So, since he found out about his friend's first love, he should play his duty as his best friend now, should he not?

"Speaking of, what was that intimate romance earlier, huh? You haven't fallen for (Y/n), have you?"

As Gloxinia's best friend, it is up to Drole to tease the fairy about his first love. It is his rightful duty, and he will live up to it.

In response, the fairy widened his eyes and flew a few meters back, as a faint pink hue settled over his cheeks.

"Placing (Y/n)'s head in your lap, touching their hair, hugging them - oh, how bold of you. You've become quite the romantic, my friend."

Gloxinia flailed his hands in embarrassment, as he flusteringly yelled in attempt to refute.
"That's enough! No more! Say no more, Drole!"

The giant payed no mind to his friend, and simply placed a hand over his chest, as he tried to imitate his expression to (Y/n)'s. "May I have the consent to continue pursuing you?"

He then turned 180°, as if speaking to an invisible remainder of himself. Drole imitated Gloxinia, and acted out a loving sigh - dramatically, as he exaggerating it. "Of course."

The blush on Gloxinia's face reddened, as he flew over to playfully hit his friend. "Seriously... I think (Y/n)'s presence has influenced you a bit too much."

Drole only laughed at that.

He was gonna have a lot of fun with this.


Plucking a lime green leaf off a low branch along their path, (Y/n) gathered it into their hand, which had multiple other natural objects they picked up.

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