Chapter 7

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Watching Gloxinia use Death Thorn to kill the remaining participants sent goosebumps along their skin. (Y/n) didn't see the people actually die in front of them, but they knew that they died. Slaughtered sadistically by Gloxinia.

(Y/n) understood that death was a common recurrence. It's inevitable. They understood that in the world they were in right now, people were more accustomed to killing.

They were no stranger to violence. The media ensured that. Regardless, it would be off-putting to see it in person. And if they remained in Britannia, they'll see that soon.

It's survival of the fittest after all, it has always been. Except it was much more obvious. This was always covered up in the modern era back at home. But here, no one even bothered to conceal it. It was clear as day.

And (Y/n) wasn't sure what to make of that. Was this something they needed to get used to? Or should they minimise it?

They knew that everything here was real - they realised that within the first seconds of falling. But in the back of their mind, they still looked at this world as an anime. A show consisting of fictional characters. It's one of the reasons they behaved so carefree.

Was there any point in trying to save others? Well, besides Gloxinia - he's the reason they wanted to come here.

Must they play messiah?

But (Y/n)'s pensive debate swiftly ended the moment they saw Gloxinia's wings. Those jeweled wings that shone brightly as stars themselves. Those beautiful wings that have been undoubtedly blessed by Aphrodite. Those wings that belonged to and suited only Gloxinia.

And his body. His pretty torso and that slutty waist of his. The elf ears that were now uncovered by his red hair, which was now on full display.

He was gorgeous. Magnificent. Majestic. Even more so than in the anime.
(Y/n) couldn't even properly breathe. Gloxinia took their breath away, literally.

'His voice makes it even better.'

Thought (Y/n), as they watched, entranced.


Gloxinia glanced at King as he heard him exclaim his former identity.

"That's a name I haven't heard in ages. I'm with the 10 Commandments now, called Gloxinia of Repose."

"I thought you were defeated by the Demon King. Weren't you taken down during that battle 3,000 years ago?"

Gloxinia turned his body towards him. "Are you from the Fairy race, too?"

"Just answer my question!"

"What you need to do is win this competition. Then, if you wish for it, I'll tell you whatever you want."

Clearly defeated, King floated back down.

"Now, it's about time for us to get this Great Fighting Festival started! Alright, Taizoo, you're up next!"

Taizoo walked forward, and tried to explain the battles.

He was soon interrupted.

"Wait just a moment!" A new figure jumped stylishly into the scene, landed on someone, and stroke a pose. "Because Gowther has arrived!"

"Gowther? That sounds familiar..." Drole commented.

The person under Gowther spoke up timidly. "Excuse me. Would you mind moving your foot?"

"Huh?" Gowther looked down, noticing that there was indeed a person under his feet. He sprang off.
"Oh, whoops, forgive me. It seems my calculations for where to land were slightly off."

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