Chapter 14

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Meliodas cheerfully conversed with Elizabeth and his friends.

Even though his injuries were healed, Elizabeth insists that he should take a rest after this. To which Meliodas agreed, since his body was really fatigued. He could barely stay standing, so he was leaning on her slightly.

Elizabeth then turned her attention on (Y/n), the others following her gaze.

"(Y/n), right? Thank you so much for saving Meliodas! If it wasn't for you, I can't imagine what would've happened to him. So thank you!"

Elizabeth exclaimed, as she offered a bow of appreciation towards the powerful individual.

(Y/n) simply stared at her for a bit, before giving a small smile.
"You're a kind person, Elizabeth."

Meliodas internally agreed. Elizabeth was just the sweetest.

He then heard King begin to interrogate (Y/n), as usual.
"Hey, who really are you? It's suspicious that someone so strong suddenly appears and saves Meliodas. With your power, you should be pretty well-known, but I've never heard of you at all. Why is that?"

Hawks also joined in. "Yeah! And you're crazy powerful! Just what are you?"

(Y/n) gracefully answered their questions, despite everyone's wary expressions.

"I've already introduced myself. You all have heard, so no need to do that again.
The reason I am unknown is because I'm not from here. I won't elaborate.
And I'm a human for your question, Hawks. I guess that'd be surprising to you all."

'Well, those answers were vague.' Meliodas thought.

King continued to throw questions. And (Y/n) continued to give unclear answers. The cycle repeated for a few rounds.

Meliodas had to applaud their patience for this. Most would have gotten extremely irritated by now, and stopped bothering to respond.

But he was also very curious to know more about this mysterious human. They possessed vast amounts of historical knowledge. And they had the strength to easily overpower the 10 Commandments. That means they're as powerful as his father, the Demon King.

'If that's the case, then... would (Y/n) be able to undo my curse and Elizabeth's?'

In the end, it was Diane who interrupted the interrogation.
"King, you're being rude! (Y/n) just saved Meliodas. For me, I already think that proves they're a good person. So don't treat them like they have bad intentions."

The mentioned fairy visibly deflated at Diane's scolding. "But Diane..."

Diane dismissed any refutes. "Sorry (Y/n). King can be really cautious at times."

"I can understand that."

"I've got an idea! Why don't you accompany us?
Matrona and I are going back to her family. You see, two of the children are injured. Back then, you said something about not healing Meliodas, but you can heal, right? So, sorry to ask this of you, but could you heal them?"
Diane suggested.

"Sure, I'll do that. But why not ask Elizabeth this?"

"Elizabeth should probably stay and take care of Meliodas. Besides, I want to get to know you better!"

With that (Y/n) temporarily joined the group, bidding farewells to the others.


King watched as (Y/n) healed the children, to which they received the thanks from Diane, Matrona, and Zalpa.

At first, he was wary of them because of their power. He still kinda is, but it seems they have good intentions, just as Diane said.

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