Chapter 19

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"Aghhhh!" King awoke with a scream, immediately rising up from his laying position.

"Wait. Hold on a second. Isn't this were... Hey, Diane!" He voiced in realisation, looking around the unknown surroundings for his crush.

He then heard a familiar voice. "Did you have to suddenly yell? My, you kinda scared me."

Glancing in the sound's direction, King exclaimed in recognition and relief.
"(Y/n)! How come you're here too?"

The other simply gave a sluggish wave, and spoke nonchalantly. "Hey. I'm here because I also awoke in this place, just like you and Diane. I just left for a bit, and came back."

After they explained, King saw Gloxinia floating down beside him on his right, hugging himself. "Interesting. So, that was your choice, huh?"

"Gloxinia, what just happened?" King asked the other fairy.

"You saw what happened. Back then, I was unable to stop myself, and I murdered Rou." He hid his face under his arms as he squeezed himself, continuing.

"Even after that, my rage and grief didn't go away, so I directed it at all Humans and Stigma, which failed to protect my sister. Before I knew it, I was fighting as a member of the 10 Commandments. I didn't know that she was still alive. Actually, I'd never even stopped to check. I'm the worst big brother ever."

King disagreed, as he stood up. "Meh. When it comes to that, I'm pretty sure I'm still the reigning champ."

Gloxinia, in turn, raised his head to look at him with a deadpan expression. "You sure that's something to compete over?"

"Uh... I guess not." King admitted, guilty. "And, um... about you're rage - how come you didn't direct it towards (Y/n)? I mean, I personally didn't see any actual interaction between you two. But you let them stay by your side, so that counts for something, right?"

It was quiet for a moment, and Gloxinia seemed a bit taken aback by the question. He subtly peered at (Y/n), accidentally making eye contact, and quickly focused elsewhere.

And (Y/n) - King observed - who previously seemed disinterested in the conversation (doing something else with flowers in the back), was now watching them.

"(Y/n)'s an exception. They've become important to me. Though..." Gloxinia hesitated, but continued. "I still hurt them, even if I didn't mean too."

King would've liked to ask more, but Gloxinia quickly changed the subject. "So, tell me, why didn't you just kill Rou like I did?"

The other responded with a "What?", before gazing downwards, and finally answering the question after a bit of silence.

"As bad as the world may seem, true evil isn't that common. From what I've seen, through those I've battled till now, everyone has a reason for doing what they do.
A guy could be scum, at least from my perspective, but that same guy might be someone irreplaceable to my sister. I mean, it's the same for you, isn't it? Maybe in Gerheade's eyes, Rou might've been... It's just something to think about."

Gloxinia turned his eyes away from King. "You're pretty naive, aren't you? That doesn't bode well for the upcoming war. Despite what you said, true evil actually does exist."

"Of course, I know that. So, I'll do my best to identify it and fight back. I have to, to protect the one that I love." King replied determinedly, focusing on Diane.

"Love, huh?" Gloxinia murmured to himself, before proclaiming aloud to King. "Congratulations. You passed."


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