Chapter 24

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"What do you want, Melascula?" 

Meliodas asked her, voice low and aggressive, like a demand or threat, trying to intimidate her.

'That's right. What do I want?'

Melascula didn't expect herself to bring (Y/n) up at all in their conversation. But, now that she did, it made her question her next actions again.

Initially, she decided to face the Seven Deadly Sins as some kind of final act of loyalty to the Demon King. After that, she'd seek out (Y/n), like they suggested the day they took her Commandment.

But, how would she even do that?

Considering that (Y/n) saved Meliodas, and defended him along with Elizabeth from their punishment, hurting the couple wasn't really the best option.

The same may be said for the rest of the Seven Deadly Sins. If she were to harm them, then (Y/n) might somehow link it to Meliodas's excessive punishment, or something like that.

So Melascula didn't know what to do.

There wasn't anything she could do for the Demon King that wouldn't go against (Y/n) - at least, none that she can think of. And any actions against them, would make it difficult for her to go to them later.

Because of that, Melascula had to decide now. It was either the Demon King or (Y/n). She couldn't compromise between the two.

And since Meliodas betrayed the Demon King before, Melascula decided to ask him his perspective and reasons for doing so. That may help her decide.

"I want to hear this from you personally. What lead you to betray the Demon King 3000 years ago? Why exactly did you side with Elizabeth instead?"

In response to her question, Meliodas fell silent for a few short moments, before responding with another question of his own, warily.

"Why do you want to know?"

"Answer the question."

"Are you sure? It won't be what you'd expect." He continued.

"Just answer the question." Melascula repeated, increasing her volume.

Staring at her irritatingly, Meliodas finally gave in and replied, with a somewhat somber tone, and looking downwards.

"I was the next Demon King candidate, and I lead the 10 Commandments."

Unwilling to listen to what seemed like Meliodas's life story, Melascula interrupted him (just like (Y/n) would have done).
"Yeah, I know all that. Get to the point."

Meliodas threw her a glare, but he abided to her request nonetheless.

"I hated it, and it was too much for me to handle. I personally thought the quarrel with the Goddess Clan was stupid, but I still spent all my time fighting them.
And that was when I met Elizabeth. My world completely changed. The joy of your loved one's existence and the desire to protect them.
Then I made an oath with her. I promised to put an end to the war, betraying the Demon Clan."

When he finished his explanation, a melancholy silence occupied the two demons, unlike the previous tension.

Melascula glanced downwards, thoughtful and pensive.

Although Meliodas's reason was mainly out of love, it still helped her gain some insight for her own decisions.

And to a small extent, his story also resonated with her. Particularly, when he said 'my world completely changed'. (Y/n) had a similar effect on Melascula too.

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