Chapter 33

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'What... is that?'

It happened in merely a few seconds.

From battling with the former Fairy King, to flying still in mid-air, eyes focused on the imposing cut in the sky, painted with purples and blacks.

An arm coloured by violet and lavender emerged from the space-like cut, holding a katana of the same formidable size.

If Cusack were to be honest, he could barely bring himself to move. Stationary with fear and awe.

The fairy who had been with him was no longer present. Just him, Cusack's figure so small in comparison to the sight he was forced to watch.

Then, in an instant, the arm moved horizontally, the sword cutting along in a quick and striking movement, followed by a line of purple and white. (Raiden's move from the weekly battle, Genshin)

Cracks enveloped Cusack's vision, shattering like glass shards. And he felt the same happen to his body, cut apart internally and externally, his body shredding painfully, stinging and burning pain travelling rapidly.

And the next second, Cusack was no longer alive. The remnants of his dead body falling through the sky, crashing into the earth with a thud.


Gloxinia stared at the phenomenon with widened eyes, watching Cusack's death with (Y/n)'s arms around his waist, in a rather protective yet desperate manner.

His turned his head slightly, his eyes wandering to their face. (Y/n) had a disturbingly dull expression, with both a hint of anger and solemnity. Yet their left multicoloured eye still glowed with vibrant colours, like the reflected light of a jewel in sunlight.

Although curious to what had happened, the fairy remained quiet for the moment. They must have seen something when they dived into the prior smoke, whilst Gloxinia was preoccupied with Cusack.

Questioning them right now would only overwhelm them. The fairy knew (Y/n) was the type of person to appreciate both space and comfort. So, he decides that it's best to just be by their side.

Though, Gloxinia already had an idea of what happened.

Drole's head through the smog, which tilted backwards as if falling.

Did his dear friend...?

Biting his lip, Gloxinia's eyes felt heavy as he felt a strange sense of melancholia. Reaching out for one of (Y/n)'s hand's that was wrapped around his waist, the fairy wordlessly intertwined his fingers with theirs. A small solace for both (Y/n) and himself.

Then, he felt himself being gently guided downwards, towards the ground. Until (Y/n) suddenly stopped, their eyes slightly wide as they stared below.

Following their gaze, Gloxinia saw merely the destruction of the battle, with what seemed to be Chandler's corpse above it.

A tinge of confusion arised in him. Why was (Y/n) suprised? Was it Chandler's dead body? But, wouldn't they have seen that after flying down towards Drole?

Hold on.

'Where is Drole?'


(Y/n)'s eyes narrow, as they stare at the ground where Drole's body had previously laid, dead and unmoving.

They could've sworn he died.

No, he definitely did.

So, what was this about?

Someone else must've intervened. While (Y/n) and Gloxinia were focused on Cusack, another person moved Drole's body.

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