Chapter 4

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(Y/n) watched the retreating figures of Gloxinia and Drole.

Once they vanished from sight, (Y/n) randomly sat down and sprawled themselves on the ground with an exaggerated and exhausted sigh.

They were tired.

Almost falling to their death was not fun. They wondered if the unlocked a fear of heights as a result of that.

While contemplating over the recent events, staring at the blue sky, their thoughts eventually led back to Gloxinia.

His pretty self. His red hair. His curious and confused eyes.

And that rosy hue that settled on his cheeks. That blush that so beautifully decorated his face. It was faint, but (Y/n) couldn't get their mind off it.

(Y/n) savoured that expression. They wanted to see more. Though, they hoped they didn't make him too uncomfortable.

But they were kind of surprised that Gloxinia didn't harm them. Or at least give a very negative reaction.

Well, he did suddenly leave. But he was far too gentle for it to be negative.

'He hates humans. So why?'

Perhaps it was because of their answer?


Walking through forests to who knows where, (Y/n) wanted their couch again.
Not knowing where they were, and wandering aimlessly was hard. They had already been wandering for 4 hours if they had to guess. And they missed their home.

Although, (Y/n) was sure they where in 7 Deadly Sins, they didn't know when in the plot and where.

It was obvious that they were here after the Coffin of Eternal Darkness was broken, since Gloxinia and Drole were walking around freely.
Since it was only the two of them, the Commandments must have split up into 5 pairs by now.

It couldn't be during the trial of Diane and King either, since they weren't there.
Plus, the surroundings didn't match.

The time that (Y/n) is currently in must be during the Great Fight Festival. The question was if it happened yet? Before or after?
This also means they were somewhere near Vaizel.

Although (Y/n) knew the future and past of Britannia, they was pretty much unaware of the geography of it. Well, other than the fact that it's basically based on Britain, obviously.
But they had no idea where Vaizel even laid on the map.

Moving past trees and plants, (Y/n) saw a fallen trunk on the forest floor. Deciding to take a rest, they walked in its direction and sat down.

And like usual, their mind began to unwillingly wander again.
The 10 Commandments are out, meaning there will be a great number of dangerous hostile demons all over Britannia. It's lucky that (Y/n) hadn't come across any yet. But they will eventually.

Without power, they couldn't survive. Much less save Gloxinia, and others.

They were somehow sent here, so they should also have something to help them survive, no? If they didn't, that's just plain cruelty.

Now that (Y/n) thought about it, how were they even here? But might as well think about that later. No point in theorising blindly.

Their eyes turned to a tree and glared at it, imagining it to catch fire.
When nothing happened, (Y/n) raised the arm towards it, and focused again.
When nothing happened again, they got up and touched the tree with a finger.

'Clearly this isn't working.'

They thought, scanning through their mind for other abilities to try.


Sighing, (Y/n) brought their hands to their side from hanging in the air. Nothing happened at all.

This was pointless.

But they became increasingly worried that they really were powerless.
Just like any other human, weak and small. Especially here in this anime. Especially compared to other characters.

They hated feeling weak. Detested it.

Usually, they wouldn't mind not having powers. But here it was different. Although it will be weird to get used to, they were in another world. One which was more violent. One which was supernatural. Where people could do unnatural things.

If they wanted to get involved with the characters, and do what they want to do, they needed to be strong or they'll die.

Standing beside a tree, (Y/n) felt the growing urge to punch it out of anger. But they quickly decided against it, and simply placed their fingers on the trunk.
Then turning towards it and placing their forehead against it.

(Y/n) remembered Shigaraki and his quirk. He was physically weak at first, but strong as well. He could destroy anything at the lightest touch leaving only dust.

They really wanted to do that right now.

And as soon as (Y/n) thought of that, they felt themselves falling forward.
Catching themselves with their hands, they twisted their body to sit down.

But as they looked again at the tree, they realised it was no longer there.

And that there was nothing left but dust.

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