Chapter 26

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Merlin (and the other Sins) were sat around a circular table in the tavern, listening attentively to the information Melascula shared, who sat opposite Merlin.

Melascula's knowledge wasn't as detailed as Merlin would've hoped, but she supposed it was good enough. Better than what they knew previously anyway.

"That's all I know. Anything else?"

Diane, who sat next to Merlin, raised one last question. "Wait. What happened to the dimensional distortion that was surrounding Camelot? I don't remember we dealt with that."

"It's already been extinguished." Merlin responded on the demon's behalf. "I suppose Melascula took it down herself."

"You're right." Melascula confirmed, rising from her seat. "Now, if there's nothing else, I'll be leaving."

Meliodas spoke up, preventing the other from departing. "Just like that? I'd have thought you'd want some alcohol since this is a tavern."

Melascula stopped in her movements, seemingly thinking about the offer. "Alright. But I won't drink much. I don't want to reek of alcohol when I see (Y/n)."

In response, Meliodas nodded. Leaving to gather a beverage for the demon.

Meanwhile, Merlin proceeded to assert her curiousity to Melascula . "There is something I've been curious about."


"What do you actually see in (Y/n)? To the point that you'd sacrifice your loyalty to the Demon King for them."

This was a question that had been bugging Merlin for a while.

Sure, Melascula lost her Commandment to them, and it may have caused Melascula's faith to waver.
But was that really enough to persuade her to betray the Demon King, in favour of following (Y/n)?

'Melascula must've seen seen something in (Y/n), greater than that in the Demon King.'

Was it their power perhaps?

Meanwhile, Melascula glanced at Merlin like she asked the most completely obvious, absurd, crass question that could've ever been asked.

Though, she answered it honestly still. Her expression turning earnest, voice conveying a heartfelt and authentic tone.

"A gracious ruler and an ethereal friend."

Merlin stared at Melascula, attempting to understand that response.

'It seems she thinks very highly of (Y/n). Intriguing. I do want to meet them properly, in person.'

To think a human was able to attain the loyalty of the faithful Melascula. What else could they accomplish?

'With any luck, I may be able to use them, for my own personal goal.'


While his two friends were gone, Drole took a nap. And when he awoke, he played noughts and crosses by himself, as a form of training for when he plays against (Y/n) again in the future.

Then he heard Gloxinia's voice, who returned to the Fairy King's Forest with (Y/n). "Hey, Drole. We're back."

The giant turned in the pair's direction, seeing them float down towards him, with bags and boxes levitating behind.

It was a curious sight. But what was more interesting was their clothing.

A fur coat adorned (Y/n)'s body, and they emanated this wealthy aura that strangely suited them. And Drole had to admit that they looked great.

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