Chapter 29

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Presenting an illusionary attack, Gowther waited for an opportunity to release an actual combination move with King. The fairy's golden spear pointed at Chandler, as Gowther's pink magic acted as a bow.

And when Chandler jumped midair and unleashed Full Counter, Gowther indicated for King to release the Celestial Arrow.

Chandler was directly hit with the attack, pushed backwards with great speed, golden light emitting in a trail. The demon was thrown into the ground, an explosion forming due to the impact.

As a result, Gowther felt a small sense of relief. He noticed King flying over to him and Hawks, extending his hand towards him, silently offering a fist bump, which Gowther accepted.

Whilst they did so, a new familiar voice was heard - Meliodas'.

"It's not over. Chandler won't be defeated so easily."

The blond demon was levitating as well, using his demonic energy. He wasn't looking at them though; instead, his eyes were fixated forward, onto a swarm of demons in the air.

Gowther followed Meliodas's gaze, examining the swarming enemies.

'Something's off. I can only detect a single life form among them.'

"Back off, King!" Gowther called out. But it was too late, as King already attacked, using the fifth configuration of his Spirit Spear Chastiefol, Increase.

It was only until King saw the multitude of golden daggers speeding towards him, that King realised his mistake, alongside Chandler yelling "Full Counter!"

Fortunately, before the attack could hit the Sins, Meliodas acted.

"Full Counter!"

He yelled, deflecting the attack, and countering it back to Chandler.

Gowther watched this, as he sat on a flying transformed Hawks, thinking to himself.

'So is King's attack going to be countered back continuously between Chandler and Meliodas? Either way, this will be a long difficult fight.'


Diane watched the occuring fight, from her position on King's shoulder. Since Chandler decided to shrink her, it was difficult for her to join in.

But she could almost deadpan at the back and forth between Chandler and Meliodas. It was like a ball game.

"Full Counter!" The golden attack of daggers was thrown at Meliodas.

"Full Counter!" The golden attack was thrown at Chandler.

'Are they children?' Diane couldn't help but think.

Seriously, what they were doing clearly wasn't working. They're just wasting their energy.

Unless that was the point? Seeing how long the other could last?

Well, like master like student, she supposed.

It was only until Chandler decided to dodge the attack, instead of countering it, that the battle properly continued.

"Absolute Order!" Chandler branded a red symbol on Gowther, who fell off Hawk's back as a result.

A thud.

A speech.

A gasp. An attack.

"Dragon Claw!"

Another speech.

A clang.

"Implementing Crimson Requiem!"

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