Chapter 48

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Enveloped by warm blankets, with a lamp glowing on a table nearby, Gloxinia sewed red string into a white cloth. Embroidery of yellow strelitzias, bluebells, purple roses and gladioli, into a handkerchief he would gift.

Pausing in his activity, he smiled when (Y/n) entered the room from their excursion, and placed the materials next to the lamp. He extended his arms to them, waiting for them to come into his embrace.

And when they did settle on him, the fairy's hand played with their hair. "Did you have fun?"

"Mhm. I have hopes for the life Melascula will ultimately decide to live." (Y/n) answered, wrapping their arms around Gloxinia's waist, and resting their head on his chest.

For the fairy, who witnessed 3000 years of the snake's sadism and cruelty, Melascula's redemption still felt surreal - and to think that (Y/n) was the catalyst it.

"You're amazing." He praised, gently kissing their forehead. Unexpectedly pinning him to the bed, (Y/n) smiled teasingly. "Then I deserve more than one little kiss, hm?"

...and still ever the flirt.


Rays of luminosity glowed upon tree leaves, painting splodges of light vibrancy across the shrubs and flowers underneath. Sitting on one of the top branches of the Sacred Tree, overlooking the forest, was (Y/n), who's hands were skilfully brushing Gloxinia's red hair.

However, their thoughts were elsewhere. Love has already brewed between them and the fairy - so what was this feeling of wanting more? Not so much as sexual, but something new.

Finally, they spoke. "My dear, have you ever been curious of my hometown? Where I lived?"

Perking up from his repose, Gloxinia admitted. "I have. Sometimes I feel ashamed about how lacking my knowledge is of you, because you always seem to know everything about me."

"Is that so? You haven't asked much about it." (Y/n) mused, to which their lover explained. "Whenever you think of home, there's a deep melancholy within you. That's why."

Reasonable - a cute heartfelt worry, even. After some consideration, (Y/n) suggested. "I think I can return there; it doesn't seem so far out of reach as it used to. Would you like to follow me? Even though I'm not 100% sure we might return?"

Apprehensive at first, Gloxinia asked. "Then how confident are you to teleport back here?"

"About 85%"

With a relieved sigh, the fairy leaned further into (Y/n), his back against their chest, head tilted upwards to view them. "Don't worry then. If you cannot trust your power, I will instead."

His touched their cheek, and (Y/n) murmured. "Then you're willing?"

"Yeah. With you, yes."


Teleporting between worlds felt subtle: no pain, as if you were numb - barely noticeable. When (Y/n) first experienced it, they initially noticed the gushing winds like arrows against them, trapped in a painting of sky blue; it was only when they fell into Gloxinia's arms that they understood what happened.

This time was the same: subtle. Only noticing the difference by perceiving your new surroundings - but who can say if it's not a location within the same world? Therefore, when the tree branch beneath the pair, constructed by bark and glued with moss, transmuted into fabric, so familiar in texture and colour - (Y/n) received confirmation of dimensional teleportation.

Two soft palms settled on both their cheeks, and they watched as Gloxinoia leaned closer, with slightly crinkled amber eyes from his smile. "You really do have a diamond for your left eye. It's shining again."

And it also carried a slow burning sensation, familiar yet uncomfortable. Noticing how their eye indeed glimmered with a rainbow array of colour through the reflection of a television screen, they dismissed the matter. "It'll stop soon."

Light caressed the homely interior through curtained windows, and (Y/n) rose from the couch, opening the curtains to view their garden and neighbourhood. 'I haven't been here in such a long while. It's still the same.'

"Gloxinia, how about a house tour?" Since the fairy lived in a medieval-like world, (Y/n) was exhilarated to see his reactions to a more modern society.

Not too mention all the new dates they can have here - theatre, movies, baking, aquariums, bars; everything they wanted to do with a lover that couldn't be done when they were single.

And regarding money... Let's see if they can still use Clara's bloodline ability in this world. I mean, it's only for small personal purchases - not their intention to cause an inflation.


Slow pace, wandering eyes, careful touches: Gloxinia treated their home like a museum. (Y/n) treasured his confused, awed, adorable expressions when they explained electronic devices like phones, to appliances like microwaves.

"Your world is so different..." A murmur left his lips, as he examined their bedroom, admiring the decorations and composition - glancing at each poster, and book, and figurine, and so on.

(Y/n)'s hand slithered around his waist, and they placed their chin on his shoulder, embracing him from behind. "There's a second bedroom I could give you. I wonder how you'd embellish it."

"I may have some ideas." While Gloxinia continue to walk around their bedroom, he paused upon noticing a poster that featured him. "Hm...What's this?"

Freezing in place, (Y/n) remained silent, pretending they didn't see or hear anything. Instead, they nestled their face in his shoulder.

"Did you know me before we met?" His mellifluous voice carried a curious tone. "You always knew everything after all."

(Y/n) sighed. "Yes. I was aware of both your history and future."

Still staring at the poster, Gloxinia murmured. "Did you love me all this time?"

Usually, people would be concerned over finding an image of themselves displayed in their lover's home, especially if it was there before a meeting took place. So why was his first question about love?

"I did. That's why I couldn't help but flirt with you." (Y/n) admitted.

Smiling, the fairy reached for one of their hands, holding it in his. "I never thought I could ever receive such love. So knowing this, I'm really happy, (Y/n). I can't say I knew and loved you before I met you, but right now, I know I love you, and only you."

"That said, I'd also like a poster like this. One of you." He added.


Light of the television screen pierced through the darkened room, touching two figures that were snuggled in blankets on the couch.

Since this was Gloxinia's first time in their world, (Y/n) proposed starting with something light for a date, like watching a movie at home.

Said movie being a horror one.

Typical, yes - but (Y/n) genuinely wanted to know who'd be scared the most. It'd be so cute to comfort him.

However, while watching the movie, their expectations were shattered. Suspense gripped their shoulders with claws, with a desire to look away and keep looking at the same time.

Averting their eyes for a moment to avoid a jumpscare, (Y/n) peeked at Gloxinia, who seemed untethered - entertained even. Noticing their glance, the fairy asked. "Something wrong?"

"You're not scared at all?"
Gloxinia laughed slightly at their question, a small smirk forming on his face. "Were you hoping I'd frightfully cling to you, my dear?"

"Maybe." (Y/n) answered shortly, a little embarrassed. With their body pulled closer to Gloxinia's, he spoke lightly and seriously. "Remember I was one of the 10 Commandments. I've killed, (Y/n)."

That was true. Their lover was not as innocent as they often perceived; his sweetness was rather deceiving.

Regardless, he cleared away from his past. (Y/n) loved him: their Gloxinia.

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